Who are Citizen Developers and How They Are Moving Digital Transformation Ahead: A Robot Tutorial

Ideas about development by business users have been circulating for a long time, and many vendors are trying to offer their solutions specifically for business users. It seemed that the times when an accountant or financier could develop automation for himself would not come very soon, and in this article we want to show that this has already become a reality.

While writing this article, we talked with a specialist in the financial department of one of the Russian providers of digital services and solutions using Studio X in her work. Svetlana had no development experience before getting acquainted with UiPath services. With the help of Studio X, she learned to robotize RPA processes in less than six months.

Svetlana told us a little about her experience:

“Of course there were difficulties. Using the specified link, I installed the program (UiPath Studio X), watched presentations, videos, read materials on the site for more than 4 months, but I could not repeat anything. Then I went through video training with a UiPath specialist, Ilya, and in practice I mastered the basics of robotization.

True, not everything worked out right away. I suffered for a long time, but the necessary areas in the documents did not stand out, as in training. Nevertheless, I created my first robot “through pictures,” as Ilya later explained.

Commentary from the author: Svetlana automated the remote desktop "through pictures" - this means that not the classic selectors were used, but the Computer Vision technology (computer vision), which we talked about here . "Necessary areas" are selectors, the example below will make it clearer about the selection of which areas are in question.

Then there was a meeting with Ilya, where I was able to show my first robot. It turned out that Oracle also needed to install Java customization.

After that, the necessary areas began to be highlighted, and all the videos I had watched earlier became clear to me.

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Citizen development is primarily about investing in people, not technology. When a company motivates its employees properly, it can achieve amazing results in automation scaling. And a bot for automating work with reports, developed by a 65-year-old employee, will become commonplace, and not something surprising. 


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