On the other side: how frontend became a software engineer

I have a strong feeling that now, due to high salaries in IT, many self-taught and graduates of courses with titles like β€œBecome a developer in N months” are entering the market.

About 6 years ago I was the same self-taught person. For about 4 years, I only got experience in the frontend. However, I was sure that this is enough to be considered a cool developer. But then I was lucky to get into a team in which there is no division into fronts, backers, testers and devops. I discovered a lot of new things and would like to share my observations with you.

About the team

First, I'll tell you a few words about the team. As I already wrote, there is no specialization division in it. Each team member is a Software Engineer with different backgrounds. Someone had experience mainly in the front, someone wrote in Python, and someone in C ++.

. Kanban Scrum, - , - . , , «» . , β€” .

. - , , β€” , CI/CD . . : Β« , , Β». . .

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- , - , . , , , , linux-, . , . .

, , , Docker- .

, β€” , . , . , - :

const some = array.find(el => el.id === someId);

, . , 100 . , Map

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Rancher Kubernetes. β€” Dockerfile Docker'. Linux: WSL Windows 10 Home.

- , , , . . , Angular, Dependency Injection Spring , RESTful- .

, , , DOM-. - ( ?). - Kotlin , :

  • β€” SomeService


  • β€” SomeValidator


  • β€” AnotherFactory.fromSome(some)


  • β€” AnotherDataService


  • β€” AnotherDataStore


  • β€” AnotherDataComponent


, - . , , . .

, , . . SOLID, , .

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β€” , CPU, Garbage Collector . - . .

Spring Kotlin, Angular React, TeamCity DSL Python. , : Developer Experience JavaScript/TypeScript- .

, , . . QuokkaJS, .

, , Prettier, Husky Lint Staged . JS/TS .

. . , , .

, , β€” . - β€” . , . , .

, β€” . , Computer Science. , .

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