Meetup "Engineer walks into a bar": Dev-to-Teamlead

June 3, 3:00 p.m. EDT, online.

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  • Maxim Grebenshchikov , Miro;

  • Evgeniy Kot ,  Wrike;

  • Alexey Shagraev , Google;

  • David Roganov , Yandex.Practicum.

You can ask the experts questions and discuss the topic in the  telegram chat , add.


As part of the "Engineer enters a bar" series of meetups, we continue to explore the professional development paths of developers. This time, let's talk about the transition from engineer to team leader.

This conversation cannot be avoided. The management of your company, HRs from a neighboring company, curious acquaintances at the bar will ask you what you think about stopping being a developer and becoming a team lead.

You agree and it starts: you spend more time at meetings than writing code; you need to do a performance review, 1-to-1 and other psychology with sociology; mentally you try on the stereotype "I was a good developer, I became a bad leader".

At the meetup, we will talk with the guys who were in such a situation and somehow coped with it.

Let's discuss:

  • the moment of transition - what was the most difficult and what helped to overcome;

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–  Miro  DevRel- Β« Β». IT- , - . , ( ) . .

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