MastermindCMS - what is it? Content management system? Framework?


Now it's time to take stock of our development. This article will be the final one in describing the history of the development of our project. I will try to describe in detail my experience of creating a new tool for building websites.

Millions of web projects have seen the light of day, but programmers still write tons of source code day after day, solving similar problems using different tools. This article will focus on the technology that we have been developing for 4 years. I've previously talked about what was my idea and purpose in the creation of this product and what it was I wanted a programming tool for the daily routine of web application development. I had to go my way from presenting my product at start-up pitches and hackathons to getting the first real project on the network, where I was able to successfully apply my development.

It all started back in 2017, when I got the idea to write a website for myself. Without thinking twice, I took Drupal and configured it as headless-cms . I wanted to write a separate frontend and not dig into Drupal themes . But something went wrong! I ran into a lot of constraints in the design of entities in the admin interface. Then I decided to try it on WordPress . But I did not expect at all that I would have to create separate controllers for each type of entity. But to be honest, it upset me. In Drupal at least have the Views , which is relatively easy to configure and use the administrative console to create endpoint'yfor access through the REST API , but nevertheless there are limitations. After that, I conducted a small analysis of the existing CMS and realized that I would have to write everything for myself.

Without further delay, I immediately started developing my CMS. In this article, I gave a description of what I ended up with. This was the first version of the product. Overall, the content management system was implemented, but I saw that this version has a huge performance issue. And this gave me a new understanding of which technologies to choose for the development of the second version and how to solve the performance problem.

, . , , - -, WebSockets. , , HTML, .

MastermindCMS2 12- , . Mastermind Microservices, .

MastermindCMS2? - , -.

MastermindCMS2 Spring Rest Controller. Spring WebSocket Controller.

Application – HTTP-.

Framework – , .

Common – , .

Builder – . , .

Utilities – Common, , Mastermind Microservices.

Blogging – .

Commerce – . , , .

EmailSender – , , .

Messaging – .

FileStorage – .

i18Next – .

VCS – , Git. .

, Spring - , , JSON HTML. C .

, β€” data binding SSR (Server-Side Rendering) HTML.

, β€” data binding , Angular, React, vue.js . ., MastemindCMS2 JSON, WebSocket .

, , . MastermindCMS2 . - ! .

Spring Data REST, MastermindCMS2 .

MastermindCMS2 8 . . Spring Thymeleaf. , , , - . Spring Thymeleaf MastermindCMS2. - ? , Spring Thymeleaf view , . MastermindCMS2 . , , .

, , HTML- . , , , .

. .


Mastermind Microservices .


. , , . , , . «» . , . , - , . , .

If someone has an interest in trying MastermindCMS2 or to talk to me personally about the further development of the framework, I will be glad.

Have a nice and productive day!

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