Calculation of recommended offers for Yota customers - what's under the hood?

Hello, Khabrovites!

Today I will try to tell you about the technical features of the “Maximum for the first month” product, the first version of which Yota launched back in 2020. Now is the time to participate in the second version of its implementation, when after the trial period, after analyzing the consumption statistics, Yota recommends not only a set of minutes and gigabytes, but also unlimited applications, when using them, their traffic is not taken into account in the main resource package.

Leaving in brackets an equally interesting story about how this idea went through the millstones of selection of product specialists, we will focus on the main aspects of the solution implementation.

Here it is necessary to make a digression to understand the picture of the world. Yota, being a Full MVNO operator, fully controls the BSS technology stack and builds its IT landscape on its own. That is, in our landscape there is a place both for various showcases of customer interaction, such as a mobile application, a website, digital and voice channels, and back-end systems that provide capabilities for registering customer data, managing the life cycle of products, billing, and many others. In other words, the IT landscape fits well with domain-oriented design approaches, which means that, once the business functional requirements were received by analysts and architects, their first priority was to determine the IT domains that would be affected by the proposed changes.

Solution context

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