Unusual approaches to data center cooling

As you know, equipment cooling is an important and necessary task. Progress does not stand still and is looking for loopholes for new effective solutions, if not discoveries!

We decided to please you with a selection of extraordinary approaches for cooling data centers:

Mining farm in Siberia

The Russian mining farm is not much different from many similar projects around the world. Except for the fact that it is located in Siberia, and this gives significant advantages in its operation. The northern cold makes it possible to organize data center cooling systems much more efficiently, and most importantly, cheaper than analogues in hot countries.

The farm consumes 100 MW and currently produces 10 bitcoins per day. At the same time, the free capacity of the Bratsk HPP is used, which also saves on the cost of electricity.

The opportunity to save money attracts customers from all continents except Antarctica.

Microsoft Undersea Data Center

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