Chronicles of the cat: brute-force of the piano, rat-kun and Oksana's deanon

Over the past couple of days, the cat rescuers have put forward a lot of ideas on how to get the precious GIF out of the laptop. We've put together the wildest and wildest ideas and conspiracy theories for you.

▍ - The guys almost went in circles: in the article about the results of the first day, we mentioned their theory about the connection with the SOKOL project. Fortunately, they realized in time that this was not a hint, but only our retelling of their own ideas. However, this did not help much: some participants with renewed vigor pounced on the unfortunate Falcon and dismantled their site by nuts.

During the discussion, the catospas expressed the idea that the password they needed to the archive was hidden somewhere in a conspicuous place, for example, in a photograph of a lady in the reflection of her pupil. They offered to mine some crypt overnight and pay miners with it for the service of brute-force password from the archive.

▍ - By the end of the second daythe guys ran out of all ideas and sank like sluggish gherkins, more often they began to say that the toastmaster had a helluva lot of difficult contests: 

It got to the point that they began to examine in detail all the objects in the video (stickers and inscriptions on the laptop were discouraged on the very first day): a flamingo, a guitar, a drawing on a T-shirt, a tattoo, the time on the clock at different points in the video ... 

▍ - Then the ideas went more picky:

How do you like to deanonize this fucking Oksana, undermine her insta, get something juicy out of there and blackmail her into giving us a laptop?

on the forums we order Oksana's cell number, and to it - breaking through the coordinates of the nearest cell, we arrive at the address tomorrow until 12:00, wait for the sounds of the grinder to detect the room, arrange an accident on the power grid and cut the optics, in the confusion we enter the room with a brigade in a uniform clothes and stick a USB Trojan into the laptop (a malicious "keyboard"), but the prize is too small, sorry. you will not clear up on kilobax.
There is a better option! We take the children of ruvds employees hostage and demand a laptop from them
This is what despair looks like: IT intellectuals are already ready to sink to the most popular articles of the Criminal Code. ¯ \ _ (ツ) _ / ¯

Of course :))

I had to quickly write a post-tip . True, and this did not help much: 

We have not yet figured out how to use this hint. In principle, we understood the meaning itself, but we did not understand what exactly the hint should be applied to.
By evening they were already accusing each other:

Classic rat-coon. He has PuTTy and ssss ready for operation
yes, he is an undercover organizer for any reason, then he'll get lost

They offered to make a bot that will play the piano, hoping to play "correctly", and suddenly the necessary Telegram key will come for this. Then an idea arose with a musical puzzle:

That's all for now. The guys have finally made some progress and are struggling to solve the next problem. We will keep you updated on the news.

PS Touched by the following quotes:

- Neuromancer,
do re mi

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