Habr is 15 years old. Excursion to colleagues

This winter, 10 years have passed since I have been working in Habré. Came when he was a five-year-old child who tends to play around and step on a rake.

And today Habru is already 15 years old! Is it a lot or a little? Everyone has different rulers, but if you average, then most people manage to do quite a lot in such a period of time. For example, graduate from high school or get one or two or three degrees. In parallel, read hundreds of books, master any technology at a high level, change several cars, start a family, put children on their feet, pay off a mortgage. Some of the above was with me - I even forgot some of them. But I distinctly remember how 10 years ago I "went to visit" ... and then everything was like a fog.

We have been working remotely for over a year now. In general, I'm used to it and I even like it, but as soon as I close my eyes, flashbacks (no) - our cozy office and beloved colleagues. In honor of the anniversary I decided to mentally “walk around the office” and asked my colleagues to say a few words about this.

- Are you sleeping?

- Yes

- Well then, listen ...

I have already told this story to someone somewhere (I say, I have already forgotten something), so listen. We met Denis even before I came to Habr - remotely, back in ICQ. I didn't see him live then and it even seemed to me that he was some kind of fictional character. Like him, for sure, it seemed that "Bumburum" is someone's virtual. Who at that time was actively writing posts on Habré - before joining Habr, I had blogged Intel and Asus with varying success , and also wrote reviews on everything that was bad.

Once I walked past the TM office (then it was Thematic Media, as we were doing thematic projects - about IT, sports and cars) and decided to drop by. It was an apartment in a house on Myasnitskaya, where there were probably five people. I didn't know what to talk about, what to ask - they just decided to de-virtualize. I noticed that Denis had a 30-inch Apple Cinema on his desk (by the way, it was quite difficult not to notice it) and offered to write a review on it. Set up with us and write, ” Dan joked. And already leaving the office, he quite seriously said: “ How much time do you need to finish your business and come to us? "- well, something like that, without diplomas and interviews.

1. Deniskin ( deniskin), publisher

15 « , ?». . , , . . — IT-. , . — , — . , . — ! 
Deniskin also had a birthday the other day, so it was even embarrassing to disturb him on a mini-vacation. But then I found out that he was carried away by fishing - he catches fish and releases them. Hah, I would say so too if I didn't catch anything!

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2. Olga ( LoLit), CFO

I don’t remember exactly when we met Olya, but I do remember that it was she who filled out the documents. An old-timer, in Habré from the very beginning. I remember that on her door there was a sign "Enrichment Department" - now this is the unofficial name of our corps department.

Olya literally freestyle:

There is a corner on a huge planet.

It is very easy to find it on the Internet.

Hammer in simple 4 letters

And you are with him forever!

X is brave, charismatic, hardy!

A - adaptive, API-shny, alpha!

B - backend, backup, branded!

- recursive, release, repository!

Happy birthday, Habr!

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3. Vadim ( pas), sysadmin

Just Vadim. Another old-timer who has been in Habré from the very start - all this time he is "in incognito mode". When I first arrived, he immediately said that he did not need to be filmed on the phone - but in that case, what? That's right, there is an irresistible temptation to take a picture of it. As a result, of course, I have the largest gallery of photos with Vadim.

Sometimes it seems to me that there is no such topic in which Vadim would not fumble - pour him some foamy drink and he will tell you anything at all, from "Boston Tea Party" to the nuances of making pizza in a Neapolitan oven.

Thanks to Vadim, all sorts of gimmicks appear / remain in our company - from funny passwords for office wifi or server naming according to the characters of "Game of Thrones". I don't always understand them right away, and then how I understand them!

A small project is a big responsibility. Otherwise, than being a multidisciplinary specialist, 13 years in one organization will not survive, as it seems to me. And a team of the size of Habr is very comfortable for the implementation of any initiatives, there would be a desire. It seems that my colleagues also feel it and realize their own ambitions and experiments, making the project and the team better.

, , . : , , « ». , win, , . , — . . - : , . , . Habr go Brách!

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4. Anya ( Shelsneg), Head of the Marketing Department

For quite a long time, many decisions in the development of projects were made by some kind of intuition. Like "Damn, let's get a freelance exchange for a hackatonim?" - without analyzing the market and competitors. This, by the way, was not a joke now - "Freelance" appeared as a result of a small office hackathon, which took place after the news that one of the exchanges began to read user messages.

An approach with intuitive decision-making has a right to life, but still, with numbers, it is somehow calmer. Therefore, one day a girl with colored hair came to our office and started by calculating and analyzing everything and everyone. And after a couple of years, she became the head of the marketing department, well, or a marketer. And if you listened to the Habra podcast, then you definitely heard her voice.

I am in Habré for the fourth year and this is love, it is very joyful to watch how everything changes, how new people come with new ideas. Habr is still a teenager, fifteen years old - it's time to break the rules and experiment. I wish us not to be afraid of anything and go forward. And also - to preserve the "spirit of Habr" in this movement. I think the spirit of Habr is people. Thank you for reading and writing, communicating, plus and minus, looking for colleagues, work and freelancing, asking and answering, studying, arranging holivars in the comments and helping each other. Habr is you.
Anya loves mountains and calm music. Therefore, it was not easy for her to listen to "Cockroaches" every day, sitting closest to the huge "Mikrolabs" near my table.

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5. Vitalik ( VitalySorokin), front-end developer

If someday a book about Habr will be released (and one publisher really, really wants this from us), then there will definitely be a separate chapter about Vitalik. And I will try to make it the largest (or a spin-off in the form of a separate volume) - I will put my heart and soul into every line of the description of our battles with him.

In general, if you did not understand anything, then do not be discouraged - we are talking about a local meme in a company that lasted for several years. It's just that one day a guy got a job with us, suddenly began to behave defiantly, because of which there was an irresistible desire to troll him. But if the others got tired of it quickly, then my thirst was insatiable and in the end we were left alone with him. Various messages on whiteboards, photo toads, boots glued to the ceiling - oh, that's it, it's definitely on a separate volume.

But once the degree of toxicity increased so much that Olya asked to stop this orgy - since then Vitalik and I are best friends, my brother! Some of my colleagues at ADM even gave him a puzzle with my photo.

For more than seven years, I have been part of the Habr team and have been participating in the development of our products.

On Habr's birthday, I want to wish the whole team and company great prospects for growth and an optimistic outlook on the future! And to the whole community, more cool ideas for posts, new comments under posts and so that karma is only a plus!

Correct the mistakes there, if you find it)

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6. Anton ( brutto), Team Lead backend development

Live long and prosper!
So, well, at least not "S dr krch". What can I say ...

But although I will say. For 15 years, many employees came to the company, some of them left - this is a completely natural process. And almost always the parting took place in a friendly atmosphere - in such a way that we welcomed employees with open arms if they decided to return after a while. And now Anton is working with us, if I am not mistaken, for the third time. And his brother also worked for us, who also worked 2 or 3 times according to a similar scheme.

By the way, I remembered - one of the times they "quit" to plunge headlong into their DaruDar project , where people are doing cool things - giving each other things. You guys are cool!

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7. Lyuba ( Soboleva), comm.dir Habr

We knew Anyone even before she came to Habr: she was in charge of the corporate blog Mail.ru. She was comfortable to deal with and even perform in a duet at a conference dedicated to content and communities. There was a feeling that this was a puzzle that Habru was missing. And if so, Lyuba came to Habr and one of the first directions was the development of a content studio. I am sure that Lyuba has a small hadron collider hidden in her office - otherwise, in 5 years she was able to disperse a modest content studio of two people and signs in GoogleDocs to the scale of an entire commercial department with almost two dozen employees. The editorial board is cooler than some of the media!

Habr and I have a birthday with a difference of a couple of days, and for the 6th time I celebrate my birthday with him as a couple. We have gone through a lot and we have a lot ahead of us! I love Habr for the challenges and the opportunity to positively influence the IT industry. Thanks to Habr for the dream team and opportunities for professional and personal development. Congratulations to Habr, employees, users and clients on the anniversary, hurray!

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8. Vika ( Exosphere), harsh but fair moderator Habr

When Lyuba and I started making a content studio, I needed an assistant, an intelligent person from the community. And in 2015, I noticed one of the articles (I don't even remember which one), which interested me right now, I contacted via a personal message. This is how we got to know each other: I am a cool guy, the author of clever articles, he is a strict Bumburum. And then it turned out that this was not a guy at all, but a girl named Vika. The partisan network was exposed, Vika was captured and taken to Habr. We started a content studio, then she remained there as the editor of the corporate direction, and then, almost 4 years ago, she switched to moderation. Among other things, she writes documentation for the authors and periodically advocates softening the rules of Habr - this is all partisan past.

15 , 10 , 5,5 — , - , . — . , , , , , , , , , . : , , . web 3.0. 

I wish the Habr audience not to be afraid to write articles and broadcast their experience, to constantly develop and be at the cutting edge of high technologies, not to get lost in the world of stacks, directions and engineering solutions. This is the reality in which we live and the reality that we create and change. Habr is the intersection point of people, companies, technologies, and career experiences. Being at this point and interacting with it, you will never be left out of understanding what is happening. Write to Habr, read Habr, love Habr!
Vick van love!

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9. Katya ( Gorelova), head of the Habr content studio

We all wrote a little, sometime and something ... Well, that is, many Habr employees write to Habr, to their blog, etc. But if you need a real master of words, who can pack meanings and find a lyrical hero even in an article about information security or Azure, this is to Katya. A true writer and author, she produces special projects and infuses drama and plot into even the most boring IT stories. In general, one sincere conversation with Katya is approximately equal to two books read, and in style, syllable and speech turns - a whole course of literature.

By the way, I learned about Katya quite a long time ago, when she was still working in the Nomobile edition, from where I gladly absorbed the gadget-information cream.

My Habr is "my entrainment". Co-workers and friends have been treating differently since I work here. - Habr! People from companies come to the content studio for texts and meanings, and they touch these texts and meanings quite carefully and strive to understand. - Because Habr. All of us - producers, editors, authors - are aware that we are not driving thousands of characters empty, but we are helping to find those values ​​that will be useful to Habr's huge knowledge base. - Still, Habr. And all this would be impossible if not for the community that melted the lives and work experience of millions of people and (already exactly) a couple of generations. If not for Habr. 

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10. Ira ( Jonia), editor-expert of the Habr content studio

If you have ever been to Habr's webinars, then you have definitely seen the concentrated and collected Irina. She cannot be different: Ira is a sports person, capable of passing any tests on rough terrain and on a special site. She is like this at work: active, efficient, attentive and serious. But I know that Ira is an iron man with a warm heart, loving colleagues, her listeners, children and a big red dog who sometimes comes with the hostess to the office and makes a little fuss (in fact, no - we are immediately around her fuss pointing). 

Habra users, you are cool! No, really. Lately, I have been communicating more and more often with one of you - in messages, online - it doesn't matter. And almost always - I emotionally admire the conversation. Each dialogue is interesting in its own way, and the level of expertise sometimes just rolls over. Therefore, I am actually incredibly happy that I sent my resume to Habr several years ago. 

15 years is a serious date, Habr has become more serious (this is noticeable even to me), and I want to wish him that all the changes (and - spoiler - they will definitely be) will be beneficial: in any way in which you can extract it. I want to wish the authors inspiration: any article "from the heart" is doomed to success. And to the Habr team - just so that it is just as well-coordinated, pumped and fun. 

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11. Kira ( owllisa), designer in Habré 

It is not easy to find a designer for a site with rather strict requirements, where a riot of colors and endless flight of imagination are not always appropriate. But we were lucky to find not one, but two such talented guys at once - we don't even know why we are so happy. With their arrival, the design of almost the entire site began to be redesigned. If you did not notice this, then hurray, the process was painless. And the best is yet to come!

Habr is a wonderful team and a great resource. Every day I find something new for my profession and my hobbies, it is very nice to be a part of such a large community. We help our users, and they help us develop. I wish everyone professional growth upward and in breadth, top publications, useful comments, karmic luck and inspiration for new achievements.

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12. Stepan ( melpnz), leading designer in Habré It's

even a little pity that I chose the size for avatars 128 × 128 - for Stepan's beard, at least 128 × 500 was needed.

The guys live in Penza, so I have never seen them live (only on calls), although they recently came to my region. We'll fix it very soon!

I am very happy to work in such a friendly company and develop products that benefit the entire IT community. I wish all users not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, but to conquer new heights of the profession every day. 
Stepan + Kira = design (and lyubof)

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13. Taif ( inzeppelin), front-lead

Sometimes it happens that you put a task in the jir, refresh the page, and the task is already in progress. I don’t know how it works, but for several years now Taif has been doing what he couldn’t do before. For example, a new editor - when I saw its first version, I washed it down. But literally a few sprints, and now I already advise authors and companies to write in WYSIWYG. And Taif at every corporate party takes up the guitar and just performs it!

15 years ago, according to Time magazine, "you" was recognized as the person of the year. "You" is a collective image of content creators on the Internet. In the same year, Habr appeared, which to this day is one of the best incarnations of the idea of ​​a common space for the exchange of thoughts, knowledge and ideas. The reason for the success is the very "you", the user of Habr, the author, commentator and reader, part of the community of good people. Therefore, wishes will be to all users: read Habr, write Habr, expand the boundaries of what is possible, believe in yourself and never doubt! All good! Congrats!

Taif, more than normal! It seems to me that you are not writing posts in vain - judging by your texts, presentations and metaphors, you would be great at this.

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14. Olya ( white-wind) product Habr Careers

I don't know Olga so closely, because most of the time she works from St. Petersburg remotely. Previously, Olya was engaged in commercial affairs of Habr Career, and now she has taken over the full management of the project. I admire with what strength and how skillfully she does it. So we will win!

When I just started working in IT, I dreamed that I would grow up cool and write articles on Habré. But I couldn't even imagine that I would be working in this amazing team. I want to wish Habr not to stop - to change, grow, dare and open up new horizons. Thanks to our users for being with us, without you nothing would have happened!

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15.Sergey ( Nomad_77), product manager Habra

Almost all employees of the company drove by car, but one day our office got a motorcycle. And heavy music on headphones. Very heavy. It was Seryoga - a young guy who initially took up Toaster (now it's Habr Q&A). Having shown himself perfectly, he began to engage in Habr - now almost all changes on the site go through him. 

Working on a product for millions of IT specialists and those involved, you constantly learn something new. Our community, you are the coolest and most responsive people. I want to say thank you for your contribution to our products and the industry as a whole, and wish you further development. I want to wish the Habr team the successful implementation of all the most ambitious tasks that we face. 

Such is the dream team. Of course, these are not all colleagues - there are about 50 of us in total. And, I hope, none of them will be offended that I did not invite them to this post (and none of them saw the text of the post).

Why did I write this post? Because even before joining Habr, I read many computer magazines and I really liked that there was an appeal of the editor-in-chief to the readers on the first page. And although I'm not the editor-in-chief, it just so happens that I write and post many blog posts. As always at the last moment, but as always with a soul. Everything for you, dear readers!

And no matter how much I would like to avoid the dry "Happy birthday, Habr!", I will still write: "Happy birthday, Habr!"

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Oh yeah, many of the above have had their hand in creating this: 15.habr.com - look at the light!

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