Listening to the 15 Best IT Podcasts

One of the signs of a real professional is interest in the chosen business and the willingness to learn new things, expanding the boundaries of the chosen profession. This statement is 100% true for the IT industry, which continues to grow rapidly. We have selected 15 interesting podcasts on this topic for you.


Meeting point : Apple Podcasts , Google Podcasts , Yandex.Music

You will spend : 3-5 minutes

If you are too passionate about work to follow the news of front-end development, find 3 minutes for FrontoWeek. Laconic presenter, only the most significant news. No long preludes, no SMS and registration. A competent and objective selection of the most important events over the past week.

Mamkin IT specialist

Meeting place : website , Apple Podcasts , YouTube

You will spend : 70-90 minutes The

hosts of the podcast, Alexander Vanyurikhin (Mars) and Anton Mosyagin (Rambler Group), discuss the most interesting and popular IT technologies and developments, as well as other issues that are directly connected with the work of IT specialists: comfortable organization of remote work, the necessary skills for quick and successful employment, and much more. Among the guests of the issues were Ivan Budylin (Architect of the Microsoft Technology Center), Gleb Lesnikov (SRE engineer Dodo Pizza) and others.

TEDTalks Technology

Meeting point : Apple Podcasts , PlayerFM

You will spend : 5-50 minutes

How is IT changing our lives in the broadest sense of the word? This question is answered over and over again by the most famous inventors and scientists at numerous TED events around the world. Artificial intelligence is looking for new recipes for antibiotics, digital innovation is bravely fighting the pandemic, and computer games are helping to sort out their own loneliness. Podcasts are created in the best traditions of TED conferences, which means you will definitely not be bored.


Meeting point : Apple Podcasts , Google Podcasts , Spotify , RSS

You will spend : from 1 to 4 hours

Cozy conversations about the Internet, media and a variety of technologies sometimes smoothly flow into the Telegram channel of the same name - and this is their additional profit. For the rest, Zavtracast consists of three Runet musketeers: Timur (marketer), Maxim (video producer), and Dima (technical director). Among the guests you can see not only Russian colleagues, but also famous foreigners, for example, David Goldfarb (head of development of Battlefield BC2, 3, 4, Killzone 2), Ben Geskin (one of the most famous concept designers of mobile devices), etc.

Dry the oars

Meeting point : Apple Podcast , Google Podcasts , Yandex.Music

You will spend : 70–90 minutes

The content of this podcast is closely related to mobile applications and all the subtleties of their creation. Its authors are the developers of Redmadrobot (companies with 11 years of experience in developing mobile applications). Famous testers, developers, designers and analysts become guests of the studio, who are happy to share the nuances of their work, discuss bugs, start-up launches, the impact of the pandemic on the IT business and other interesting topics.

Meme Overflow

Meeting point : Yandex.Music , Apple Podcasts , Google Podcasts , Spotify , RSS

You will spend : 15-25 minutes

If the joke seems unfunny, then it is worth understanding it. This is exactly what the Tolk studio thinks, the author of the Meme Overflow podcast, in which programmers patiently explain the meaning of various IT memes mixed with interesting facts and stories of their work. The host of the podcast - Anatoly Kapustin - is the main memes and the author of the blog "Anatoly Nogotochki" on Twitter. Not a bad life hack to quickly get used to a new place and find a common language with colleagues.

Login to IT

Meeting point : Apple Podcasts , Yandex.Music , Google Podcasts

You will spend : 17-55 minutes

Official podcast from Yandex Academy. To cheer up those who are just starting their way into IT, Yandex employees talk about what brought them to the chair of a developer, tester, designer, etc. Some stories sound especially impressive: in them you will hear both an orientalist analyst and a former investigator, and other equally interesting characters.


Meeting point : Apple Podcasts , Yandex.Music , RSS

You will spend : 120-180 minutes

It can be called without exaggeration one of the pioneers of Russian IT podcasts. With over 700 issues and 13 years of broadcasting, the vast collection of conversations about the tech world is impressive, isn't it? Every Saturday, leading industry experts discuss pressing issues and the latest news from the IT world. By the way, the broadcasting takes place online, so you can join the discussion and ask the presenters your questions right during the recording.

Thoughts and methods

Meeting point : Apple Podcasts , Soundcloud , RSS

You will spend : 20-60 minutes

Podcast author, programmer Rakhim Davletkaliev, talks about cryptography, mathematics, computer science, Bitcoin problems, interfaces of the future, sometimes recommends worthy books, films and even shares his samples with listeners pen in science fiction. The first episodes of the podcast were called Hexlet.


Meeting point : Apple Podcasts , Google Podcasts , Yandex.Music

You will spend : 30-80 minutes

IT people have a great sense of humor. You can be convinced of this by listening to Radioma. Podcast hosts alternate IT news with jokes that you will never be ashamed of. Learn more about the ancient Tiktokers, the robot union, alternative methods of dealing with cockroaches, and Apple's disposal guidelines. You can ask your questions to the presenters during live broadcasts in the chat of the same name in Telegram.

Launch tomorrow

Meeting point : Apple podcasts , Google Podcasts , Yandex.Music

You will spend : 29-45 minutes

Samat Galimov is a man who worked for several years as a technical director in one of the main opposition media outlets - Meduza. Every week, the co-founder of Fedya & Samat talks to the guests of his podcast about how technology is changing our lives right now. The creators and developers discuss in the studio how Tik-Tok makes money, whether programmers need mathematics, whether artificial intelligence can replace our beloved cat or dog, and much more.


Meeting point : Apple podcasts , Google Podcasts , Yandex.Music , Castbox

You will spend : 30-150 minutes

The authors call their project "a thematic podcast for the right IT people." On the agenda are technologies, software and everything connected with it. The presenters and guests discuss smart cars, growth prospects for architects, software restoration and other issues that lead to the slight confusion of mere mortals. A cozy chat in Telegram and a Youtube channel are attached.

ForGeeks Podcast

Meeting point : Apple podcasts , Google Podcasts , Yandex.Music , Castbox

You will spend : 20-70 minutes

Podcast hosts, journalist and media manager Sergey Kuznetsov ( Kuuuzya ) and DJ of Mayak radio Vakhtang Makharadze, collect the most interesting and high-profile news from the world of technologies, gadgets, innovations, space, medicine, etc. This podcast will appeal not only to IT specialists, but also to simply curious people. Among the guests of the studio were seen Denis Samsonov (Open Systems), Denis Nivnikov (3DNews), Ivan Zvyagin (RBK Trends, ex-Habr), Denis Seleznev (IGides LLC) and others.

Zinc prod

Meeting point : Apple podcasts , Google Podcasts , Yandex.Music , RSS

You will spend : 50-150 minutes

The authors of the podcast - Anton Okolelov, Nikita Vasilchenko and Oleg Gritsak, were not too lazy to add the mark "18+" to the name of their project, because, by According to them, β€œmore often than not, episodes resemble conversations in the office at lunch or in the smoking room. Swearing, humor, but there is also some benefit. " But, as they say, it is not so much the form that is important as the content. And the guys are all right with the content: development and other IT wisdom, the revelations of guest colleagues and much more. You can ask your questions during live broadcasts on Thursdays.

Sawing, three

Meeting point : Apple podcasts , Google Podcasts , Yandex.Music , RSS

You will spend : 60-180 minutes A

podcast for those who want to get to know the game development profession and its dark sides. How to survive by devoting yourself to your favorite business? How to Defeat Impostor Syndrome? How does marketing and PR of premium games work? The hosts and the guests discuss the answers to these questions in a light and casual conversation. Make yourself comfortable! You can join not only the podcast, but also the channel of the same name in Telegram.

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