Today, with a simple example, we will consider how to conduct a brief overview of unstructured data in the form of a knowledge graph.
For example, let's take a set of texts from requests from the portal . In this case, the set consists of 90 thousand hits. The median call length is 9 words. In general, the texts can be broken down into three main themes: environmental quality; the quality of the urban environment; proportion of the road environment meeting the regulations.
First, let's import the required libraries:
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm
import stanza
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize, sent_tokenize
Stanza NLP , , , , . nltk . Stanza , , .
, :
df = pd.read_excel('fill_info.xlsx')
df_ml = df[df["CATEGORY"]=="Machine Learning"]
full_corpus = df_ml["TEXT"].values
sentences = [sent for corp in full_corpus for sent in sent_tokenize(corp, language="russian")]
long_sents = [i for i in sentences if len(i) > 30]
stanza Pipeline:
nlp = stanza.Pipeline(lang='ru', processors='tokenize,pos,lemma,ner,depparse')
, 5 , .. («depparse») 4 («tokenize, pos, lemma, ner») . , , 2 («tokenize, ner»), . , Stanza – - , 90 . . , Stanza CUDA. , 3000 CPU 26 , 3 . GPU CUDA, Pipeline «Use devise: gpu». , .
(Subject – relation - Object) - triplet, . 6 (nsubj, nsubj:pass, obj, obl, nmod, nummod). , . .
, Subject Object , relation – . 3- , Subject – «», relation – «» Object – «». , «» Subject Object .
triplets = []
for s in tqdm(long_sents):
doc = nlp(s)
for sent in doc.sentences:
entities = [ent.text for ent in sent.ents]
, «Subject – relation – Object» (). (doc), . entities.
res_d = dict()
temp_d = dict()
for word in sent.words:
temp_d[word.text] = {"head": sent.words[word.head-1].text, "dep": word.deprel, "id":}
temp_d , (head), (dep), :
{"": {"head": "", "dep": "nsubj"}, .....}
res_d, .
for k in temp_d.keys():
nmod_1 = ""
nmod_2 = ""
if (temp_d[k]["dep"] in ["nsubj", "nsubj:pass"]) & (k in entities):
res_d[k] = {"head": temp_d[k]["head"]}
temp_d, «nsubj» «nsubj:pass», , . res_d , - (head) . (nmod_1 nmod_2).
for k_0 in temp_d.keys():
if (temp_d[k_0]["dep"] in ["obj", "obl"]) &\
(temp_d[k_0]["head"] == res_d[k]["head"]) &\
(temp_d[k_0]["id"] > temp_d[res_d[k]["head"]]["id"]):
res_d[k]["obj"] = k_0
Subject relation, Object. temp_d, relation, obj obl. , Object relation, .. . :
{"": {'head': , 'obj': ""}}
, .. «», :
for k_1 in temp_d.keys():
if (temp_d[k_1]["head"] == res_d[k]["head"]) & (k_1 == ""):
res_d[k]["head"] = " "+res_d[k]["head"]
. : « .»
: {"": {"head": "", "obj": ""}}. , . «» . Object:
if "obj" in res_d[k].keys():
for k_4 in temp_d.keys():
if (temp_d[k_4]["dep"] =="nmod") &\
(temp_d[k_4]["head"] == res_d[k]["obj"]):
nmod_1 = k_4
for k_5 in temp_d.keys():
if (temp_d[k_5]["dep"] =="nummod") &\
(temp_d[k_5]["head"] == nmod_1):
nmod_2 = k_5
res_d[k]["obj"] = res_d[k]["obj"]+" "+nmod_2+" "+nmod_1
, Object, nmod. , , nummod nmod_1. , : {"": {"head": "", "obj": " "}}, . , Stanza «» .
triplets = []
for s in tqdm(long_sents):
doc = nlp(s)
for sent in doc.sentences:
entities = [ent.text for ent in sent.ents]
res_d = dict()
temp_d = dict()
for word in sent.words:
temp_d[word.text] = {"head": sent.words[word.head-1].text, "dep": word.deprel, "id":}
for k in temp_d.keys():
nmod_1 = ""
nmod_2 = ""
if (temp_d[k]["dep"] in ["nsubj", "nsubj:pass"]) & (k in entities):
res_d[k] = {"head": temp_d[k]["head"]}
for k_0 in temp_d.keys():
if (temp_d[k_0]["dep"] in ["obj", "obl"]) &\
(temp_d[k_0]["head"] == res_d[k]["head"]) &\
(temp_d[k_0]["id"] > temp_d[res_d[k]["head"]]["id"]):
res_d[k]["obj"] = k_0
for k_1 in temp_d.keys():
if (temp_d[k_1]["head"] == res_d[k]["head"]) & (k_1 == ""):
res_d[k]["head"] = " "+res_d[k]["head"]
if "obj" in res_d[k].keys():
for k_4 in temp_d.keys():
if (temp_d[k_4]["dep"] =="nmod") &\
(temp_d[k_4]["head"] == res_d[k]["obj"]):
nmod_1 = k_4
for k_5 in temp_d.keys():
if (temp_d[k_5]["dep"] =="nummod") &\
(temp_d[k_5]["head"] == nmod_1):
nmod_2 = k_5
res_d[k]["obj"] = res_d[k]["obj"]+" "+nmod_2+" "+nmod_1
if len(res_d) > 0:
triplets.append([s, res_d])
. , . , Object:
clear_triplets = []
for tr in triplets:
for k in tr[1].keys():
if "obj" in tr[1][k].keys():
clear_triplets.append([tr[0], k, tr[1][k]['head'], tr[1][k]['obj']])
, , .
[[' .', '', '', ' '], ……]
. , NetworkX, Graphviz, Gephi .
Vis.js, .. . Vis.js, , . , notebook. , , .
Thus, we can analyze the text data and determine the main content of complaints and gratitude, as well as find the relationship between various appeals.