A Practical Guide to Naming Classes, Functions, and Variables

Translated for Hexlet.io

In computer programming, a naming convention is a set of rules for choosing a sequence of characters to be used for identifiers that denote variables, types, functions, and other objects in source code and documentation -  Wikipedia

Coming up with names is hard!

In this article, we will focus on the (P) A / HC / LC naming technique in order to improve the readability of the code. These guidelines can be applied to any programming language, the article uses JavaScript for code examples.

What does (P) A / HC / LC mean?

This practice uses the following pattern for naming a function:

? (P) +  (A) +   (HC) +  ? (LC)

What does the prefix (P) stand for?

The prefix  expands the meaning of the function.

- is

Describes a property or state of the current context (usually a boolean value).

const color = 'blue';
const isBlue = (color === 'blue'); // 
const isPresent = true; // 

if (isBlue && isPresent) {
  console.log('Blue is present!');

- has

Indicates whether the current context has a specific value or state (usually a boolean value).

/*  */
const isProductsExist = (productsCount > 0);
const areProductsPresent = (productsCount > 0);

/*  */
const hasProducts = (productsCount > 0);

- should

Reflects a positive conditional operator (usually a Boolean value) associated with a specific action.

const shouldUpdateUrl = (url, expectedUrl) => url !== expectedUrl;

Action is the heart of function

Action  is the verb part of the function name. This is the most important part in describing what a function does.

- get

( getter ).

function getFruitsCount() {
  return this.fruits.length;

- set

A B.

let fruits = 0;
const setFruits = (nextFruits) => {
  fruits = nextFruits;
console.log(fruits); // 5

- reset


const initialFruits = 5;
let fruits = initialFruits;
console.log(fruits); // 10
const resetFruits = () => {
  fruits = initialFruits;
console.log(fruits); // 5

- fetch

, (, ).

const fetchPosts = (postCount) => fetch('https://api.dev/posts', {...});

- remove

- -.

, , —  removeFilter

,  deleteFilter

 ( ):

const removeFilter = (filterName, filters) => filters.filter((name) => name !== filterName);
const selectedFilters = ['price', 'availability', 'size'];
removeFilter('price', selectedFilters);

- delete

-. .

, , , . delete-post, CMS  deletePost

,  removePost


const deletePost = (id) => database.find({ id }).delete();

- compose

. , .

const composePageUrl = (pageName, pageId) => `${pageName.toLowerCase()}-${pageId}`;

- handle

. .

const handleLinkClick = () => {
  console.log('Clicked a link!');
link.addEventListener('click', handleLinkClick);

 — , .

— -. , , , .

/*  ,    */
const filter = (list, predicate) => list.filter(predicate);

/* ,     */
const getRecentPosts = (posts) => filter(posts, (post) => post.date === Date.now());

,  JavaScript      (Array).
  filterArray  .

, .

1. S-I-D

(Short), (Intuitive) (Descriptive).

/*  */
const a = 5; // "a"    
const isPaginatable = (postsCount > 10); // "Paginatable"   
const shouldPaginatize = (postsCount > 10); //   -   !

/*  */
const postsCount = 5;
const hasPagination = (postsCount > 10);
const shouldDisplayPagination = (postsCount > 10); // 


Don't use abbreviations. Usually they only worsen the readability of the code. Finding a short, descriptive name can be difficult, but abbreviations cannot be an excuse not to. For example:

/*  */
const onItmClk = () => {};

/*  */
const onItemClick = () => {};

3. Avoid duplicate context

Always remove context from a name if it does not impair readability.

class MenuItem {
  /*     (  "MenuItem") */
  handleMenuItemClick(event) {
  /*   MenuItem.handleClick() */
  handleClick(event) {

4. Reflect the expected result in the name

/*  */
const isEnabled = (itemsCount > 3);
return <Button disabled={!isEnabled} />

/*  */
const isDisabled = (itemsCount <= 3);
return <Button disabled={isDisabled} />

5. Consider the singular / plural

Like the prefix, variable names can be singular or plural depending on whether they have one or more meaning.

/*  */
const friends = 'Bob';
const friend = ['Bob', 'Tony', 'Tanya'];

/*  */
const friend = 'Bob';
const friends = ['Bob', 'Tony', 'Tanya'];

6. Use meaningful and pronounced names

/*   */
const yyyymmdstr = moment().format("YYYY/MM/DD");

/*   */
const currentDate = moment().format("YYYY/MM/DD");

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