What's new in terms of monitoring in PostgreSQL 14

Hello everyone, PostgreSQL 14 beta has been released this week. In this short post, I'll give you a quick overview of what's new and useful in terms of monitoring and surveillance.

In theory, the post should be of interest to those who are not indifferent to the topic of monitoring and finding problems in PostgreSQL - system administrators, DBA, SRE, DBRE.

  1. In pg_stat_activity added a new field query_id. The field contains the request ID similar to the one in pg_stat_statements . Thus, using a trio of datid / userid / query_id fields, you can attach pg_stat_statements and view the accumulated statistics for a specific type of query. A funny nuance - the names of the fields for the merge between pg_stat_activity and pg_stat_statements are different.

    Caution, text
    select a.*, s.* from pg_stat_activity a inner join pg_stat_statements s on (a.datid = s.dbid AND a.usesysid = s.userid AND a.query_id = s.queryid) where a.pid = 1001291;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]-------+-----------------------------------------------------------
    datid               | 16413
    datname             | pgbench
    pid                 | 1001291
    leader_pid          | 
    usesysid            | 10
    usename             | postgres
    application_name    | pgbench
    client_addr         | 
    client_hostname     | 
    client_port         | -1
    backend_start       | 2021-05-22 10:15:57.299468+05
    xact_start          | 2021-05-22 10:16:25.566151+05
    query_start         | 2021-05-22 10:16:25.566623+05
    state_change        | 2021-05-22 10:16:25.566763+05
    wait_event_type     | 
    wait_event          | 
    state               | idle in transaction
    backend_xid         | 237577
    backend_xmin        | 
    query_id            | 2517686606037258902
    query               | SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = 1715456;
    backend_type        | client backend
    userid              | 10
    dbid                | 16413
    toplevel            | t
    queryid             | 2517686606037258902
    query               | SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = $1
    plans               | 0
    total_plan_time     | 0
    min_plan_time       | 0
    max_plan_time       | 0
    mean_plan_time      | 0
    stddev_plan_time    | 0
    calls               | 209439
    total_exec_time     | 4251.98569499987
    min_exec_time       | 0.005414
    max_exec_time       | 0.435581
    mean_exec_time      | 0.020301785698938563
    stddev_exec_time    | 0.005889254053319066
    rows                | 209439
    shared_blks_hit     | 884097
    shared_blks_read    | 0
    shared_blks_dirtied | 0
    shared_blks_written | 0
    local_blks_hit      | 0
    local_blks_read     | 0
    local_blks_dirtied  | 0
    local_blks_written  | 0
    temp_blks_read      | 0
    temp_blks_written   | 0
    blk_read_time       | 0
    blk_write_time      | 0
    wal_records         | 149
    wal_fpi             | 2
    wal_bytes           | 9870

  2. Pg_stat_activity now also shows WAL archiver in the process list. So far there is not much information, so it is not particularly informative and there is room for further development.

  3. In pg_stat_activity for wal sender processes (participating in replication), the query field displays the replication protocol command. This small improvement allows tracking replication commands between master and replicas, previously it was only possible through logs with the log_replication_commands parameter enabled.

  4. The waitstart field has been added to pg_locks - the time from which the wait began. The field allows you to get the timeout without attaching pg_stat_activity. On the one hand, it seems to be convenient, but to take the query text, you still need to attach pg_stat_activity. But for use as a metric, it is quite suitable. in this case, the query text may not be interesting.

    Looks like that
    # select pid,mode,now()-waitstart as wait_time from pg_locks where not granted;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]--------------
    pid       | 1068094
    mode      | ShareLock
    wait_time | 00:00:12.669753
    -[ RECORD 2 ]--------------
    pid       | 1068093
    mode      | ShareLock
    wait_time | 00:00:14.789208

  5. pg_stat_database. session_time, active_time, idle_in_transaction_time — , . — ( state), , () . — sessions, sessions_abandoned, sessions_fatal, sessions_killed . .

  6. pg_stat_progress_copy. COPY. 1) (pg_dump), 2) COPY, 3) /.

    -[ RECORD 1 ]----+----------
    pid              | 1068106
    datid            | 16413
    datname          | pgbench
    relid            | 17612
    command          | COPY FROM
    type             | FILE
    bytes_processed  | 30998528
    bytes_total      | 195764221
    tuples_processed | 313263
    tuples_excluded  | 0

  7. pg_stat_wal — WAL. 13 . 13- pg_stat_statements . ( ).

    -[ RECORD 1 ]----+------------------------------
    wal_records      | 40811237
    wal_fpi          | 1551923
    wal_bytes        | 13744020096
    wal_buffers_full | 509935
    wal_write        | 1177449
    wal_sync         | 666045
    wal_write_time   | 26449.751
    wal_sync_time    | 10956905.427
    stats_reset      | 2021-05-21 10:33:39.009804+05

  8. — pg_stat_replication_slots. (PUBLICATIONS/SUBSCRIPTIONS, Debezium), pg_replication_slots.

  9. toplevel pg_stat_statements. pg_stat_statements , . , — . - , . .

  10. pg_stat_statements_info. — pg_stat_statements. , pg_stat_statements , . pg_stat_statements.max.

  11. pg_backend_memory_contexts — . . .

  12. , .

    pg_log_backend_memory_contexts() — , , pg_backend_memory_contexts.

    , — ( ) , , . . ( , ). , . , .

  13. pg_prepared_statements — generic_plans, custom_plans — . , .

  14. pg_get_wal_replay_pause_state(). pg_is_wal_replay_paused(). . — not paused, pause requested, paused.

  15. log_recovery_conflict_waits — WAL . , -.

  16. pg_lsn . pg_lsn WAL — . pg_lsn .

    pgbench=# select '1/8000000'::pg_lsn + 16777216;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]-------
    ?column? | 1/9000000
    pgbench=# select '1/8000000'::pg_lsn - 16777216;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]-------
    ?column? | 1/7000000

  17. - autovacuum autoanalyze. log_autovacuum_min_duration.

    2021-05-22 10:50:48.000 +05 1005664 @ from  [vxid:4/309623 txid:0] [] LOG:  automatic vacuum of table "pgbench.public.pgbench_accounts": index scans: 1
            pages: 0 removed, 65600 remain, 0 skipped due to pins, 0 skipped frozen
            tuples: 1936414 removed, 2000605 remain, 566 are dead but not yet removable, oldest xmin: 253998
            buffer usage: 92201 hits, 108672 misses, 129131 dirtied
            index scan needed: 58623 pages from table (89.36% of total) had 1961508 dead item identifiers removed
            index "pgbench_accounts_pkey": pages: 10970 in total, 0 newly deleted, 0 currently deleted, 0 reusable
            avg read rate: 3.522 MB/s, avg write rate: 4.185 MB/s
            I/O Timings: read=392.361 write=1964.360
            system usage: CPU: user: 2.92 s, system: 1.79 s, elapsed: 241.07 s
            WAL usage: 195815 records, 72916 full page images, 308792606 bytes

That's all.

In conclusion, I want to make an announcement of the event - PG Day'21 Russia will take place online on July 8 and 9 . It will be a two-day PostgreSQL fan hangout with 12 talks from domestic and foreign speakers. Participation is free. Acceptance of papers is also open until June 7th

That's all, thank you for your attention!

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