Battle of Java developers Tech Monsters Night from M.Video-Eldorado

Tech Monsters Night will take place on June 4 . Middle & senior specialists in Java Script, Java 15, Reactive Java, Spring Framework 5, Spring Boot 2, Kafka others and frameworks, this battle is for you!

5 hours of epic fight: non-trivial puzzles from the leads "M.Video-Eldorado" and skill opponents. Immediately after the battle there is a leaderboard, you will see the rating, winners' nicknames and prizes.

  • before June 3 - register in your personal account and catch the organizer's notifications in a special Telegram channel .
  • June 4 - Tech Monsters Night : Solve the challenges of the battle from 22:00 to 03:00 and see the results immediately.
  • before August 1 - pick up your signature merch or powerful tech. The most "fierce" monsters will receive one night offer.

Try to hack the M.Video-Eldorado online store , reset the prices and claim your prize!

See you at Tech Monsters Night . Who the monster knows!

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