New PVS-Studio Features for Notifying Developers about Found Errors

PVS-Studio support often receives suggestions from users to improve the product. We are happy to implement many of them. One of the last such proposals was related to the refinement of the utility for automatic notification of developers (Blame Notifier). We were asked to teach her how to extract the date / revision of the code, for which the analyzer issued a message, using blame information from the version control system. This refinement allowed us to expand the capabilities of the utility, which we will talk about in this article.

How it all started

, . , - . , SonarQube . . , , SonarQube, .

, , . . Blame Notifier, . , - , , , . , Blame Notifier: " , , ".

. , . , , , , . , , . . , blame – .


  • ;

  • Blame Notifier , HTML- . , .


Blame Notifier – , PVS-Studio, , . HTML- , -, . , , , . , . , blame , .

, .

blame , , , PVS-Studio. :

  • --sortByDate (-S) – HTML- , - . , , .

  • --days (-d) – HTML- , N .

. / : SVN, Git Mercurial.


HTML-, :

SonarQube, 'sonar-scanner'. .

. PVS-Studio SonarQube, , SonarQube . PVS-Studio \ SonarQube, .

, SonarQube , 'Clean as You Code'. , , - . , 'production', , "", . . SonarQube.

. . 'Quality Gate', . :

  • ;

  • ;

  • ;

  • ;

  • ... .

, , - , 'Quality Gate' .

'Clean as You Code' . , SonarQube 7.9.4:

SonarQube – , , . :

  • ;

  • ;

  • ;

  • , , web-;

  • ... .

SonarQube , , PVS-Studio, .

, SonarQube?

, , , SonarQube, . , :

  • SonarQube;

  • 'Quality Profiles';

  • 'Quality Gates';

  • 'sonar-scanner';

  • ... .

, SonarQube. .

- Blame Notifier. SonarQube . 'Clean as You Code', . , N .

SonarQube. 10 '-d' (-S) , . HTML- :

, 11 10 . , SonarQube, .

"" , , :

  • ;

  • , , HTML-. 'blame-notifier' .

  • , , web-

, Blame Notifier PVS-Studio SonarQube Enterprise PVS-Studio.

. /, .

, PVS-Studio ( Visual Studio, SonarQube, Jenkins, Gradle/Maven/IntelliJ IDEA), PlogConverter, blame-notifier. PVS-Studio, , . , .

Blame Notifier "" , SonarQube. , – SonarQube. . , .

, .

, : Maxim Stefanov. PVS-Studio New Features for Notifying Developers About Errors Found.

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