How to build an effective search for employees: the experience of IT market players

IT-company Omega held a webinar “Recruitment is not recruiting for you”. Digital market experts were looking for answers to the main question of 2021: how to efficiently find ideal developers.

Representatives of the IT industry told by their own examples how they cope with difficulties in finding employees, what tools they use, how they conduct interviews and check soft skills.

The webinar was attended by CEOs and HR representatives from Holyweb, Globus, BSL, IT Test, Open Solutions, Extyl, Omega, as well as dozens of representatives of other IT companies. In the article, we share the key points from the speakers' speeches about the tools for finding employees.

About developer search tools

Maxim Kravets, CEO of Holyweb

We are mainly engaged in outstaffing JS developers and have formed a rough portrait of “our” employees: guys aged 22 to 30 who may have piercings or tattoos, ride skateboards or go hiking. Their "habitat" may well be Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, so we actively use these tools to find people.

It is clear that we post vacancies on the sites of Habr Career, HeadHunter, Superjob and others. On HeadHunter, we have about 6-8 vacancies constantly open, which attract, on average, up to 10-12 responses daily. We reject about 98 percent of responses, and only 2 percent make it to the initial interview. In my opinion, this site is more effective for hiring administrative staff than developers.

We find a large number of employees on the somewhat forgotten Linkedin. A less straightforward story is searching through Slack channels. Successful visits were made through Telegram channels, Twitter. Surprisingly, Twitter has active users who write code in the morning and tweet cool stuff in the evening.

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, HeadHunter, Habr , , GeekBrains Skillbox: . HR- . , , .

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, CEO Holyweb

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The second drawback is that even after successful employment, the recruiting agency keeps the person in its own databases and after a few months offers him a new job with a competitive salary. Therefore, it is better to build your own HR department and HR brand.

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