Help Snowflake become a programmer

We have a man, let's call him Snowflake. This person, without knowing it, created a rather amusing problem, which I propose to you to solve. I’ll say right away that I don’t know the correct answer. To whet your interest, I will say that Snowflake is not alone in his problem - there is a whole snowdrift of them there.

So, Snowflake wants to become a programmer. Now for a few details.

Who is Snowflake now?

 Snowflake works as a coder - writes code. What exactly to write, he is told in the terms of reference, drawn up in sufficient detail, indicating the names of the tables, the context of execution, methods of calling, types of return values, etc.

The code is usually given to him to write uncomplicated and not important. The reason is in the peculiarities of the Snowflake, of which there are two.

Limitation - Google

Snowflake was born with a smartphone in hand. We will not assess this fact, we will only impartially describe the consequences.

Roughly speaking, Snowflake knows and knows very little, i.e. he has an almost empty head. He copes well with the daily activities of maintaining his body - tying shoelaces, brushing teeth, dressing, walking, eating, etc. He is a little able to interact with society, in all its manifestations - not 80lvl, but he will find the last one in the queue.

Snowflake can do almost everything else, although he does not know, and does not know how. Because Snowflake has Google - it, snowflake, is a personal reserve brain that stores everything that can be useful in life. Since there is such a wonderful reserve brain, the main one can not be loaded. What Snowflake uses.

What's important: Snowflake also writes code with Google always on. Of course, he already remembered how to make a loop, assign a value to a variable, or define a function, but he still cannot do without his favorite.

So, the first limitation: the vast majority of Snowflake knowledge is in Google, not in Snowflake.

Limitation - clip

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The programmer must be able to construct complex intellectual objects in the head. To do this, you need to have knowledge of the object in your head and be able to concentrate for 20 or more minutes.

Snowflake wants to become a programmer. But all of Snowflake's knowledge is not in his head, but in Google. Snowflake is able to concentrate for 5-7 minutes, maximum - for 15.

How can Snowflake become a programmer?

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