Another Wi-Fi Jammer on Another ESP8266

Warning (a certain AHTUNG, so to speak)

I am not the author of the software and, moreover, I do not invite you to repeat such devices, as this may be prohibited by law and punishable by punishment. Thank you.


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In addition to control using the display and buttons, there is also a Web interface. The device creates an access point, you connect to it, enter in the browser and you will be taken to a page similar to the web interface of a router, in which there are much more settings, in contrast to the offline use of the jammer.


Although my goal was not to reproduce this particular device, I am very pleased with the results, since this is my first self-made device, the dimensions of which do not exceed a junction box from a storehouse for 15 hryvnia

PS A little later I will record a video of how this miracle of technology works on the example of my access point and laptop

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