So Product or Project Manager?

I have already talked about the fact that pm is called the manager of everything and everyone. Let's now figure out what is the difference between a product and a project manager.   

Here three options arise in my head at once: 

  1. Pure project  - when it comes to building something specifically, and it may not be a product for the market at all. The result can be anything like a process or an event. The main thing is that he has a clear framework for the result, time and quality. Quality here (and in general) is compliance with the stated requirements. And now our manager is in charge of this. 

  2. Pure product  - when the object of attention is the product, and everything connected with it. However, it may not have all three characteristics of the project. For example, a time frame - the maximum is a product development cycle that can last for decades. 

  3. Hybrid  is the most common story. When we have a project, with all that it implies, and the object of this project is a product.

How to be? How to name? 

First, let's understand the concepts. A project is an organizational unit. It exists within a company with a purely project-based way of working, when there are no functional departments. Which is rare. 

Or the project activity exists within a matrix structure. That is, we have functional divisions such as Marketing, Finance, Logistics, Development on the one hand. They perform specific functions - that is, repetitive operations within specific tasks. 

And projects, on the other hand, that are intertwined with functional units involve the same people, with dual roles and subordination. The most common story. 

The product has nothing to do with the organizational structure. The product is  the "what"  we do. A project is  "how"  we do, or rather, how we organize work on any "what". That is, formally, we almost always have both a product and a project, if we call any measurable result of an activity a product.

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And if you can, then it comes down to what you think and work most of the time either on the Product or on the Project. 

And now you yourself have easily answered the question from the title. And the child's picture of the world was expanded.

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