PHP Digest # 203 (May 1 - 17, 2021)

Property accessors, type intersections, and final constants are officially proposed for PHP 8.1, and two more RFCs have already been adopted. Also in the release are a portion of tools, videos, podcasts, articles, community news.

Enjoy reading!


  • PHP 7.4.19 , PHP 8.0.6 - Fixed bug in PDO_pgsql.
  • PHP version statistics - 2021.1 - Traditional collection of statistics based on the data that Composer sends when connecting to

    • PHP 7.4: 45.92% (+3.31)
    • PHP 7.3: 21.30% (-5.75)
    • PHP 7.2: 12.89% (-2.39)
    • PHP 8.0: 9.44% (+9.17)
    • PHP 7.1: 5.21% (-2.24)

  • Phalcon Roadmap — , v5 . : PHP + . PHP, .
  • :

PHP Internals

  • check [RFC] Namespaces in bundled PHP extensions

    PHP! (, ..) .

    . resource

    PHP - . , PHP 8.1 :

    IMAPConnection -> IMAP\Connection
    FTPConnection -> FTP\Connection
    LDAP -> LDAP\Connection
    LDAPResult -> LDAP\Result
    LDAPResultEntry -> LDAP\ResultEntry
    PgSql -> PgSql\Connection
    PgSqlResult -> PgSql\Result
    PgSqlLob -> PgSql\Lob

  • check [RFC] Add return type declarations for internal methods

    PHP 8.0 . . , .

    , . , .

    class SomeStandardClass
        public function method(): int {}
    class UserClass extends SomeStandardClass
        public function method() {}
    // Fatal error: Declaration of UserClass::method() must be compatible with SomeStandardClass::method()

    . PHP 8.1 . , Deprecation notice

    . PHP 9 Fatal error


    class MyDateTime extends DateTime
        public function modify(string $modifier) { return false; }
    // Deprecated: Declaration of MyDateTime::modify(string $modifier) should be compatible with DateTime::modify(string $modifier): DateTime|false

  • [RFC] Property Accessors


    . , __get


    . C#


    class Foo {
        public $prop {
            get { /* ... */ }
            set { /* ... */ }

    readonly :

    class User {
        public string $name { get; }
        public function __construct(string $name) {
            $this->name = $name;

    , public/private :

    class User {
        public string $name { get; private set; }


    class Foo {
        public int $bar {
            get {
                error_log('Getting $bar');
                return $this->bar;
            set {
                assert($bar > 42);
                $this->bar = $bar;



    PHP 8.1.

  • [RFC] Pure intersection types

    PHP 8.0 , RFC .


    , instanceof TypeA

    instanceof TypeB


    class A {
        private Traversable&Countable $countableIterator;
        public function setIterator(Traversable&Countable $countableIterator): void {
            $this->countableIterator = $countableIterator;
        public function getIterator(): Traversable&Countable {
            return $this->countableIterator;

    pure intersection types, union . .

  • [RFC] Deprecate ticks

    PHP : declare(ticks=1);

    . pcntl. pcntl_signal()


    . PHP 8.1 PHP 9.

  • [RFC] Final class constants


    , .

    class Foo
        final public const X = "foo";
    class Bar extends Foo
        public const X = "bar";
    // Fatal error: Bar::X cannot override final constant Foo::X

    RFC: .

  • PHP:






  • PHP - — Joe Watkins , PHP , .

    Laravel JIT :

  • 0xABADCAFE/php-demo-engine PHP. ASCII- .

  • index.php $101k .

    5 ؜:

  • PHP :

    $b = new class {
        function __destruct() {
            $GLOBALS['b'] = 2;
    $a = 1;
    $b = 1;
    var_dump($a + $b);
    // 3
         Alexander Lisachenko showed

    more black magic at PHP Russia 2019. And at PHP Russia 2021 we expect more PHP miracles from him .video

If you notice an error or inaccuracy, please let us know in a personal habr or telegram .

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