Hidden mobile subscriptions, looking for information about Beeline

Hello everyone, if you remember, my previous post was about hidden paid mobile subscriptions from Megafon. 

In order not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved, I decided to go through all the other operators, so Beeline is next in line.

There is an interesting story with Beeline, they had been preparing for a long time, and in December they began a campaign against hidden subscriptions. What Beeline promises us :

  • normal subscription description, no misleading Play buttons,

  • two-factor authentication. 

Strictly speaking, operators' struggle with paid subscriptions usually happens against the background of a churn of the subscriber base. As soon as subscribers "vote with their feet", "honesty", "no overpayments" and other tricks to protect the subscriber from operator actions are immediately used.

There is a suspicion that Beeline with its super-refusals also solves not the problems of subscribers, but its own . But it is with this operator that I have minimal experience, therefore, in addition to the technical analysis of the situation that I have already undertaken, I will be grateful if the Beeline subscribers present here share their experience of communicating with this operator. 

Have you received any notifications about the operator's refusal from paid subscriptions?

  • Did you receive paid subscriptions after you β€œcanceled” them? 

  • What were these subscriptions?

Replies and comments about other operators are also welcome, # not hidden

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