Mom's friend's son website

It happens that when I am hired to fix or take on the support of a site, I open its source and want to exclaim: "And who did you steal it from?" Because the quality of workmanship and the complexity of the technology are much higher than the usual for this class of sites. After I announce the price for supporting such a site and receive confusion in response, I want to shout: "What's going on ?!"

A family business is an amazing thing. It brings together the customer and the contractor, who in market conditions would never meet in their life. The first would have no money, and the second, perhaps, the desire to work, even if they agreed on the price. In the case of creating websites, such an amazing meeting can give a good boost to the business, and then play a cruel joke with it.

I will tell you about two striking examples of such services that I have come across.

What is the most likely pizzeria site for a town of 200,000? Most often, this is a bundle from a static site (well, or a tilde), a VK group and an Instagramm page. Call and find. Then, in decreasing order of probability, the static site is changed to self-writing in PHP or Wordpress, in which you can somehow make an order. Imagine my surprise when once again I came across a bunch of Laravel, ReactJS and TypeScript, all connected through Swagger and documented in quite passable English. You might ask, why on such a simple site API on Swagger? Because the site had its own ... ready? breathed some air into your chest? native app! Yes, only for Android, but this hit the target audience of the visitors of this pizzeria as well as possible.

Having added a search for orders, as they asked me, I asked where such beauty came from and how much they overpaid for it. The answer was unexpectedly expected, the son of the brother of the owner of the pizzeria turned out to be a programmer and an intelligent boy. Even before going to college, he wrote the code at a very good level, which I witnessed. So it’s not surprising that one day he took a train to St. Petersburg to study and build a career there. I can't say for sure whether the owner of the pizzeria threw himself on his knees to pray for the delight of the eyes and the joy of the universe, but nothing helped. This is not only a matter of high feelings, but also of the usual economic expediency.

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Or even worse, seeing such a conditional site, which was made by an acquaintance by the son of a mother’s friend (working in conditional Yandex), a businessman begins to demand the same quality from his employees, although his salaries do not even reach the level of Yandex. And who is right in all this poverty, I do not know.

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