Digest of fresh materials from the frontend world for the last week # 467 (May 10 - 16, 2021)

We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    JavaScript     |    Browsers


β€’ podcast Podcast "Web Standards" # 281. SpiderMonkey 25 years old, Safari TP, Bootstrap 5, GitHub, prefixes, monoreps and your own git in Yandex

β€’ podcast Frontend Yunost podcast # 186. Iron the web. The guest is the creator and editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine Vitaly Fridman.

β€’ video Videocast β€œFront-end. Interview questions "# 2

β€’ video Does June need a perfect code: an interview with Vadim Makeev

β€’ podcast video The podcast" How is it? " Issue No. 4: from a Japanese philologist to a freelance frontend

Web development

β€’ Solid frontends: monitoring

β€’ ru Registering a URL protocol handler for PWA

β€’ ru Differences between WebSockets and Socket.IO

β€’ habr Going to "Meta GSAP": Finding the "perfect" infinite scrolling


β€’ habr Identifying pure CSS touchscreen devices

β€’ The habr crown of the evolution of CSS-in-JS is here: fully typed styles without runtime in vanilla-extract

β€’ habr Comparison of CSS and CSS-in-JS performance in the real world

β€’ habr CSS auditing tools

β€’ β€œParent selector ": has () - in reality!

β€’ ru Design for Reading: Tips for Optimizing Content for Reading Modes and Reader Applications

β€’ ru Advanced CSS Animation Using Cubic-Bezier ()

β€’ ru Aspect-Ratio and Grid

β€’ ru Stylesheet Feature Flags Creation Using Sass! Default

β€’ ru Sticky Smooth Scrolling ScrollSpy Navigation with Fixed Background CSS

β€’ ru A Look at CSS Tailwind


β€’ habr Tracking and visualizing the position of the ISS using 30 lines of JavaScript code

β€’ habr Cheat sheet on JS methods for working with the DOM

β€’ habr Patterns of lazy initialization of object properties in JavaScript

β€’ habr I released Grafar - a JS library for visualization

β€’ ru 7 steps to secure JavaScript in 2021

β€’ ru Modern Javascript: Everything You Missed Out on in the Last 10 Years (ECMAScript 2020)

β€’ ru Create Tetris with Modern JavaScript

  • Typescript

    β€’ habr , 2021 TypeScript, JavaScript

    β€’ ru DRY TypeScript

    β€’ ru TypeScript:

  • React

    β€’ ru React, TypeScript TDD

    β€’ ru React Hooks

    β€’ ru React Virtual DOM

    β€’ ru Debounce Throttle React

    β€’ ru React

    β€’ ru React

    β€’ ru VR React 360

    β€’ ru React- 2021

  • Vue

    β€’ habr Vue.js : -

    β€’ ru Vuex, the Official Vue.js Store

    β€’ ru Vue Router:

  • Svelte

    β€’ ru Svelte

β€’ ru Using custom protocol handlers for cross-browser tracking in Tor, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.

β€’ Identification through analysis of external protocol handlers in Browser

Digest over the past week.

Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

All Articles