Cache or state, try React-query

Sky and sea
Sky and sea


A popular library for working with the state of web applications in react-js is redux. However, it has a number of disadvantages such as verbosity (even in conjunction with redux-toolkit), the need to select an additional layer (redux-thunk, redux-saga, redux-observable). There is a feeling that somehow this is all too complicated and for a long time there were hooks and in particular the useContext hook .. So I tried another solution.

Test application 

Β« Β» create react app, typescript, redux-toolkit, redux saga. redux context + react-query. , , , react-query  . .. , .. ,   . .. .

Test application screens


react-query , , .. redux 2 . β€” , . β€” , . 

react-context. :

export const CitiesProvider = ({
}: {
  children: React.ReactNode;
}): JSX.Element => {
  const [citiesState, setCitiesState] = useLocalStorage<CitiesState>(

  const addCity = (id: number) => {
    if (citiesState.citiesList.includes(id)) {
      (state: CitiesState): CitiesState => ({
        citiesList: [...citiesState.citiesList, id],
 // removeCity..,  setCurrentCity..

  return (
        currentCity: citiesState.currentCity,
        cities: citiesState.citiesList,


, setCurrentCity, removeCity

. , localStorage . , , , , .


, , react-query.   :

import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from 'react-query';
import { ReactQueryDevtools } from 'react-query/devtools';
import { CitiesProvider } from './store/cities/cities-provider';
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
    <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
        <App />


const queryCities = useQuery('cities', fetchCitiesFunc);
const cities = || [];


, . - , Promise, . .

useQuery UseQueryResult

, ,

const { isLoading, isIdle, isError, data, error } = useQuery(..

export function useCurrentWeather(): WeatherCache {
  const { currentCity } = useContext(itiesContext);
  const queryCities = useQuery('cities', fetchCitiesFunc, {
     refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
    staleTime: 1000 * 60 * 1000,
  const citiesRu = || [];
//    .. 
 const city = citiesRu.find((city) => {
    if (city === undefined) return false;
    const { id: elId } = city;
    if (currentCity === elId) return true;
    return false;
  const { id: weatherId } = city ?? {};
  const queryWeatherCity = useQuery(
    ['weatherCity', weatherId],
    () => fetchWeatherCityApi(weatherId as number),
      enabled: !!weatherId,
      staleTime: 5 * 60 * 1000,
  const { coord } = ?? {};
 //      . 
  const queryForecastCity = useQuery(
    ['forecastCity', coord],
    () => fetchForecastCityApi(coord as Coord),
      enabled: !!coord,
      staleTime: 5 * 60 * 1000,
  return {


β€” , , . , . , staleTime =0


 enabled: !!weatherId

, . useQuery


. .

const queryWeatherCity = useQuery(['weatherCity', weatherId],.. 

, , + .


export function Forecast(): React.ReactElement {
  const {
    queryForecastCity: { isFetching, isLoading, isIdle, data: forecast },
  } = useCurrentWeather();
  if (isIdle) return <LoadingInfo text="   " />;
  if (isLoading) return <LoadingInfo text="  " />;
  const { daily = [], alerts = [], hourly = [] } = forecast ?? {};
  const dailyForecastNext = daily.slice(1) || [];
  return (
      <Alerts alerts={alerts} />
      <HourlyForecast hourlyForecast={hourly} />
      <DailyForecast dailyForecast={dailyForecastNext} />
      {isFetching && <LoadingInfo text="  " />}

isLoading β€” isFetching - .

React-query . Redux, ( ) 

Developer tools window

, Actions, , , .. , , , . . :

import { ReactQueryDevtools } from 'react-query/devtools';

, process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'

,  . Create React App .

react-query , , , .

  • useQueries

    . .. useQuery


const userQueries = useQueries( => {
    return {
      queryKey: ['user',],
      queryFn: () => fetchUserById(,

  • , , 3 . retry


  • , , useMutations

const mutation = useMutation(newTodo =>'/todos', newTodo))

  • , useInfiniteQuery

  • , , , .

After replacing redux-toolkit + redux-saga and context + react-query, the code seemed much easier to me and I got more functionality out of the box for working with requests to the server. However, the react-context part does not have special debugging tools and generally raises concerns, but it turned out to be quite small and react-devtools was enough for me. In general, I am satisfied with the react-query library and, in general, the idea of ​​separating the cache into a separate entity seems interesting to me. But still this is a very small application with several get requests ..   


Layout is correct only for mobile devices

There is a branch with redux

React-query documentation

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