Algorithm for assessing the driving style of a truck (commercial) vehicle driver

2021 year. IoT has surrounded us with you from all sides. GPS / GLONASS trackers and all kinds of cloud tracking platforms are calling us from all sides. It would seem, why did I suddenly decide that this post is relevant ?! But not everything is so simple - let's figure it out!

It's no secret that the main cost item in road freight transportation is the cost of fuel. All participants in this game (Trucking) make every effort to minimize this cost item. Car manufacturers are endlessly improving their vehicle models, offering more efficient, safer and more fuel efficient truck tractors. Developed countries are building more efficient highways.

Logistics companies are building more optimal logistics routes and it would seem that everything is only moving up and forward, and every year the transport company's fuel costs should decrease! But this is not the case in life. Undoubtedly, if you compare 1990, 2000 and 2010, then as the models of trucks were updated, fuel consumption fell rapidly. For example, for trucks produced in 1990, when transporting 20 tons of cargo, a fuel consumption of 45 l / 100 km was considered normal. Models of the 2000s managed to get out of 40l / 100km fuel consumption, and 2010 trucks could boast of a fuel consumption of 30-35 l / 100km. But what is happening now, in 2021? Modern truck models claim passport costs of 21 .... 23 ... 25l / 100km,but in real conditions, transport companies receive an average car consumption in the region of 30-31l / 100km. Is there a reasonable question?

It turns out that automakers are lying and their cars have not become more economical and these are just marketing ploys? In fact, no - the problem lies elsewhere.

Car manufacturers, like electronics manufacturers, have made great strides forward and cars have overtaken the people who operate them in their development. The situation has become such that people who drive modern trucks cannot unleash the full potential of the car in terms of fuel consumption.

Driving effectively is as complete a skill as driving a motorcycle or skiing. Of course, everyone can ride a motorcycle in a straight line and ski down, but in order to become a master in this business, you need to study and train endlessly.

, , . GPS/Glonass ECO DRIVING . !) , !

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ECO Driving Algorithms
ECO Driving

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, CAN , , ( , , , .) . . EBS 2006.  Wialon. . GPS RS,1-wire, BT, CAN BUS. RFID, (). , Easy Logic Galileosky.

, , , .


, .. , .

: 83 /, 75 /, , .

: >=10/, +-2/. 


22 - 10 ,

18 - 9 ,

15 - 8

 // 22 500

, .. , .



, , , . ยซยป .

: .

  1. : . - .


    10 - 9,0

    20 - 8,0

    !. 2 / 10 /. 2/ , 10 / .

, , 40 , , . , .

: . / .

: . - .

1 - 10,0

10 - 9,0

20 - 8,0

!. 2 30% . , %.

. - 850-900 /, 1040/. - 1300-1650 /, .

:  1600 1050 .

! , .

10 - 10

20 - 9

30 - 8

... ! , / ,   , ( /// / ) . :

1 - 10

2 1 - 9

3 2 - 8

4 3 - 7

5 1 - 6

6 2 - 5 )))

7 1-30%  - 4

8 30-50% - 3

9 50-70% - 2

10 70-100% - 1

!! .

, .

1-10 , 10,00

2-10 , 9,00

5-10 , 8,00

7-10 , 7,00

( 700 ) , , , . ! , . , โ€ฆ

:  3 . .. 10 , ///.

5 - 10

10 - 9

15 - 8


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.  - CAN

. = .6

= (++)/3

. - 14-16%  .

, , ! . PPC, . , 50/ , . )

The PPC system will automatically decelerate before the intersection.

. AUTO ( Manual)





. / ( + )



= (++0,25*+0,25*++ + 0,25* + 0,25 * )/6

. :

))) , , , 10 12 1600 . ) .


:  20 /, 60/. , -

10,0 โ€“ 0

9,00 โ€“ 2

8,00 โ€“ 4

, .. 60 / + . !

P.S.. , , . , , .

: , , -, โ€“ , 24,9 29,2 /100. , .. , , , . , , 36 , .

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The most important question is why is it worth listening to our opinion?

  1. Our company took 1st place in the Mercedes-Benz FleetBoard Driver's League among the CIS countries.

  2. Average annual consumption for the fleet in 2020 24.6 l / 100 km (14 cars, 130-140 t-km of run per truck, 27 drivers)

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