What is Near Protocol? Full introduction

Near Protocol is a smart contract-enabled blockchain that aims to be the next generation DApps platform with a unique scaling solution.

Now you will find out:

  1. What is Near Protocol?

  2. How does Near Protocol work?

  3. Features Near

  4. Accounts and access keys

  5. Tokenomics Near Protocol

  6. Future Near

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What is Near Protocol?

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Near β€” Proof-of-Stake, 2020 . , DApps ( ), (, , -).

, . , Near 5 .

Near , .

Near Protocol 50 , , , . :

Near 50 .

Near Protocol?


Near Proof-of-Stake (PoS) -. , NEAR.

Near Ethereum Rainbow Bridge – , , ERC20 NFT, Ethereum NEAR. , - DApps , Rainbow Bridge.

, , Nightshade. , , Polkadot,   Near . , , Near, , .

, . , Near 100 000 .

, , Doomslug. -, Doomslug , , Near .



Near . 100 000 (tps) 1- . Near, 10 000 , Ethereum.

Near , . Near . DApps, Near, , , . , , DApps.

Near , . (NFT), - DApps. GitHub.


Near. . (, "name.near"), ( Ethereum Bitcoin).

. , Near, , .

Near Protocol


$NEAR (Ⓝ) – , Near Protocol, , . , , , , , DeFi ( ).

Near , , , . .

Near – Β«Proof of StakeΒ», , , , . , , Β«-Β». . , , -.

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, . , . , , . 5% , 90% , 10% .

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$NEAR, , Near , .

Near Protocol:

Near Ethereum, "Rainbow Bridge". Ethereum Near, Near .

Near Ethereum (EVM) β€” , Ethereum DApp. , Ethereum Near - . Near , .

, , .

Telegram- , .

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