Updated White Paper "On the protection of personal data"

Since May 2021, Cloud4Y has been offering an updated White Paper "On the Protection of Personal Data" - a document containing information on all aspects of working with personal data, including the legislative framework, the principle of constructing a personal data protection system, etc. The document takes into account the changes adopted in 2021 , which allows you to use it as a guide for organizing personal data protection systems.

We added to White Paper:

  • Changes to 152-FZ "On the processing of personal data", which entered into force on 03/01/2021 in terms of the processing of publicly available data and the dissemination of personal data to an unlimited number of persons, adopted by Law No. 519-FZ "On Amendments to Federal Law 152-FZ"

  • Methodological document of the FSTEC of Russia dated February 5, 2021 "Methodology for assessing threats to information security"

  • Changes to 149-FZ "On information, information technology and information protection", which entered into force on 01.02.2021 in terms of processing and disseminating information on social networks.

  • Changes to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation concerning tougher sanctions for violations of 152-FZ "On the processing of personal data"

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, . , . White Paper Cloud4Y .

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