How free software can accelerate digitalization

Open source software is indispensable in the implementation of artificial intelligence and big data technologies. IT startups no longer use proprietary solutions. Open Source Software (OSS) projects need government grant support, a universal platform and a competent training policy. In Russia, the development of this area in 2021 is included in the second package of measures to support the IT industry.

The road to the mass market

: OSS , , WaveAccess .

OSS Linux, , -, Windows .

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CatBoost , , Python R- , , Appreal Group . «» Tomita-parser – () . . Mail.Ru Group Tarantool. OSS , , Avito, Qiwi, «» .

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, Microsoft, IBM, Google, Adobe, Facebook, Twitter.

Nginx 2004 , , RSpectr Gearset .

, Gearset:

OSS- «». - . Redux, , , .

Far Manager, Windows. .

WaveAccess, OSS-:

  • ALT Linux, ;

  • Linux OpenVZ.

Devexperts Jetbrains IntellIJ idea, .

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Almaz Capital Partners, «» – , « , ».

Apache Software Foundation Linux Foundation Edge , . Postgres Professional : , , .

, Apache Software Foundation:

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, , Oracle, Microsoft ., .. , OSS-. FOSDEM, 2021 30 . . Postgres Professional . – JSON, .

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Most universities teach Oracle, Microsoft and rarely OSS. IT giants are so arranged that they create an ecosystem around them. When young specialists come to the company, they build the usual infrastructure of foreign solutions. They do not believe in OSS, because the mindset of an open source follower is fundamentally different. This worldview assumes that you need to be able to work with different products, splicing them, interacting with the community.

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