For whom the hackathon is 48 hours, and for whom it is already 17,000 hours

Hello, Habr!

The third season of the All-Russian competition "Digital Breakthrough" is in full swing, for the second year in a row the operator is RAEC (Association of Electronic Communications). And we also know very well that about 9,700 hours ago since the publication of this article in the country, as well as in the world, a lockdown was announced due to a pandemic, the lockdown, of course, was removed, but with face-to-face events, things are still not in the best way ... Let's play a little guessing game, below are three charts of the share price, guess from which field of activity the company is represented? :) 

Graphs are presented in absolute (multiple) scale

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The growth of the power of many communication links from the number of participants

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Simplified model of communication at the hackathon “Education.  Personnel development "
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— 4 500 000 .

The site has a function for submitting cases. Startups, government agencies and representatives of small and medium-sized businesses can apply. The EdTech hackathon has already passed, but there are still 7 thematic hackathons ahead:

  • EnergoMach.

  • HealthCare.

  • Creative Industries.

  • Lifetech.

  • Vehicle.

  • AgroTech.

  • FinTech.


Well, in order to register and continue to make filling the statistics module even more beautiful, follow the link .

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