We protect scans of our documents on the Internet

At some point, incomprehensible calls to a cell number began, with "attractive" offers to get rich or borrow without interest). Once they even tried to convince me that I should immediately pay off my debt (which does not exist). Having become interested in my credit history (why all of a sudden such activity), I decided to find out what it is.

To find out in which credit bureaus there are records related to your person, you need to fill out an application on the public services website (most likely this is not the only way). After a while, having received .PDF files from 3 offices (the state portal issued so many organizations). I found out that, according to the scan of my passport, a credit history was requested from "microfinance" organizations and more than once. All without my knowledge, because I do not use such services.

I did not see any financial risks for objective reasons, but decided to protect myself from similar situations in the future. Or at least know the channel of the leak (which is unlikely due to the method of protection and the confidence that the villains are not fools, and will not use such a scan).

My passport was dilapidated (I loved water procedures)) and was replaced with a new one, using the same state services by electronic application. It cost me about 1000+ rubles. and some of my time to go to the MFC. Having received a new passport, I scanned all its pages. Now, when requesting any organization of the scan, I send the scan with a unique (name of the organization) watermark.

I strongly advise against using online services for watermarking a graphic file, for obvious reasons !!!

You can search for a suitable option yourself. For the first time I painted in Paint, with a brush, without touching the information part. Then I found the VisualWatermark program. The free version adds its own at the bottom edge of the picture, but if you make the picture a little larger, then the advertising part can be cropped.

At the end of the article, a scan of the passport for the Tax Service processed using Paint. And for RosReestr processed using the above-mentioned program with an inscription required for the demo version at the bottom. Don't think of it as an advertisement, I just try to be as objective as possible.

I will be glad if it helps and helps to avoid problems! Thanks for attention!

ps It is better for the sign-making program to deny access to the network.

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