Using Black Magic to Create a Fast Ring Buffer

Yesterday I took a look at the Wikipedia page on circular buffer and was intrigued by a supposed optimization technique that I was not familiar with before: 

. (, .) ; , , . , - - .

, «» (wrap around). :

void put(queue_t *q, uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++){
        q->buffer[(q->tail + i) % q->buffer_size] = data[i];
    q->tail = (q->tail + size) % q->buffer_size;

, , ( ) , , . , , , , - , . , , , .

. , .

() - , . «» , , , .

( ): ( head

- ) ( tail

- ). , tail

, head

. :

typedef struct {
    uint8_t *buffer;
    size_t   buffer_size;
    size_t   head;
    size_t   tail;
    size_t   bytes_avail;
} queue_t;

, (get

) (put

), :

bool put(queue_t *q, uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
    if(q->buffer_size - q->bytes_avail < size){
        return false;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++){
        q->buffer[(q->tail + i) % q->buffer_size] = data[i];
    q->tail = (q->tail + size) % q->buffer_size;
    q->bytes_avail += size;
    return true;

bool get(queue_t *q, uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
    if(q->bytes_avail < size){
        return false;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++){
        data[i] = q->buffer[(q->head + i) % q->buffer_size];
    q->head = (q->head + size) % q->buffer_size;
    q->bytes_avail -= size;
    return true;

, put

, , , . ( ).

, , . memcpy

, , , .

static inline off_t min(off_t a, off_t b) {
    return a < b ? a : b;
bool put(queue_t *q, uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
    if(q->buffer_size - q->bytes_avail < size){
        return false;
const size_t part1 = min(size, q-&gt;buffer_size - q-&gt;tail);
const size_t part2 = size - part1;

memcpy(q-&gt;buffer + q-&gt;tail, data,         part1);
memcpy(q-&gt;buffer,           data + part1, part2);

q-&gt;tail = (q-&gt;tail + size) % q-&gt;buffer_size;
q-&gt;bytes_avail += size;
return true;

bool get(queue_t *q, uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
    if(q->bytes_avail < size){
        return false;
const size_t part1 = min(size, q-&gt;buffer_size - q-&gt;head);
const size_t part2 = size - part1;

memcpy(data,         q-&gt;buffer + q-&gt;head, part1);
memcpy(data + part1, q-&gt;buffer,           part2);

q-&gt;head = (q-&gt;head + size) % q-&gt;buffer_size;
q-&gt;bytes_avail -= size;
return true;



int main() {
    queue_t queue;
queue.buffer      = malloc(128);
queue.buffer_size = 128;
queue.head        = 0;
queue.tail        = 0;
queue.bytes_avail = 0;

put(&amp;q, "hello ", 6);
put(&amp;q, "world\n", 7);

char s[13];
get(&amp;q, (uint8_t *) s, 13);

printf(s); // prints "hello world"


. ?

. , . , , , . , , , , .

, . - () , , 4 . () , , , .












B , B :











, , . , . , .

, , , .

, glibc ,

, Linux.

int getpagesize()

. ( , - )

int ftruncate(int fd, off_t length)

length, fd


void *mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags, int fd, off_t offset)

, fd

, . (flags


, glibc

( ) :

System Call


int memfd_create(const char *name, unsigned int flags)

  (anonymous file), .

! glibc

, , .

int memfd_create(const char *name, unsigned int flags) {
    return syscall(__NR_memfd_create, name, flags);

, , . . , ( ).

, . , , , . API .

typedef struct {
    uint8_t *buffer;
    size_t   buffer_size;
    int      fd;
    size_t   head;
    size_t   tail;
} queue_t;
bool init(queue *q, size_t size){
//   ,     
if(size % getpagesize() != 0){
    return 0;

q-&gt;fd = memfd_create("queue_buffer", 0);
ftruncate(q-&gt;fd, size);

//   mmap  ,        
q-&gt;buffer = mmap(NULL, 2 * size, PROT_NONE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);

mmap(q-&gt;buffer, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_FIXED, q-&gt;fd, 0);

mmap(q-&gt;buffer + size, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_FIXED, q-&gt;fd, 0);

q-&gt;head = 0;
q-&gt;tail = 0;



, ? , memfd_create

, , . . , mmap. .

mmap size

. (, size ):



, 0

q->buffer + getpagesize()


, getpagesize()

q->buffer + size


, 0

q->buffer + size + getpagesize()


, getpagesize()

, , . , :

bool put(queue_t *q, uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
    if(q->buffer_size - (q->tail - q->head) < size){
        return false;
    memcpy(&q->buffer[q->tail], data, size);
    q->tail += size;
    return true;
bool get(queue_t *q, uint8_t *data, size_t size) {
    if(q->tail - q->head < size){
        return false;
    memcpy(data, &q->buffer[q->head], size);
    q->head += size;
    if(q->head > q->buffer_size) {
       q->head -= q->buffer_size;
       q->tail -= q->buffer_size;
    return true;



- «» . - . , , , .

, memcpy . , head

. , ; , . API .


, , , . -, :

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define BUFFER_SIZE (1024)
#define MESSAGE_SIZE (32)
#define NUMBER_RUNS (1000000)
static inline double microtime() {
    struct timeval tv;
    gettimeofday(&tv, NULL);
    return 1e6 * tv.tv_sec + tv.tv_usec;
static inline off_t min(off_t a, off_t b) {
    return a < b ? a : b;
int main() {
    uint8_t message[MESSAGE_SIZE];
    uint8_t buffer[2 * BUFFER_SIZE];
    size_t offset;
double slow_start = microtime();
offset = 0;
for(int i = 0; i &lt; NUMBER_RUNS; i++){
    const size_t part1 = min(MESSAGE_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE - offset);
    const size_t part2 = MESSAGE_SIZE - part1;
    memcpy(buffer + offset, message, part1);
    memcpy(buffer, message + part1, part2);
    offset = (offset + MESSAGE_SIZE) % BUFFER_SIZE;
double slow_stop = microtime();

double fast_start = microtime();
offset = 0;
for(int i = 0; i &lt; NUMBER_RUNS; i++){
    memcpy(&amp;buffer[offset], message, MESSAGE_SIZE);
    offset = (offset + MESSAGE_SIZE) % BUFFER_SIZE;
double fast_stop = microtime();

printf("slow: %f microseconds per write\n", (slow_stop - slow_start) / NUMBER_RUNS);
printf("fast: %f microseconds per write\n", (fast_stop - fast_start) / NUMBER_RUNS);

return 0;



i5-6400 , :

slow: 0.012196 microseconds per write
fast: 0.004024 microseconds per write

, memcpy , memcpy

. , 0,104943 . - ( , TLB), , .


, , . , .

, GitHub. , .

- « » - « C UNIX». C UNIX- BSD. . « » UNIX . !

- « »

- « C UNIX»

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