We declare the hunt for MacBook open

Do you know how to write well on an IT topic? Can you explain to your grandmother what DevOps is on your fingers? Telling the cat about tuples and polymorphism? Stop keeping it to yourself! Write a cool article to our blog on Habré and win a MacBook with M1, with which you can do even more cool things. Ready, set ... and that's it, you are already in business.

Who will win: the daring and talented newbie or the experienced and talented old-timer?

What's happening?

RUVDS company announces a competition for the best article for the company's corporate blog on Habré. Until the end of June, you can send your publications to our editor JohurN(or email dolina@rucloud.host ) - adequate materials will be published in the corporate blog of RUVDS on Habré. In the end, we will summarize the results in the most honest way: the main prize (MacBook Air on M1) will go to the author whose article gets the highest rating, consisting of Habr user ratings. In addition, there will be another pleasant sympathy prize for the editorial staff and RUVDS staff. It will be received by the author whose text touches us to the living. Well, and a voluntary bonus: we will offer the best authors to continue cooperation with RUVDS as a blog author.

Competition mechanics

Exact timing

The duration of the competition is from the moment the publication-announcement of the competition was posted on Habré and until 23:59 Moscow time on June 30, 2021. That is, the time has already passed.


1st place - Apple MacBook Air 2020 (M1, 8/256) or its cash equivalent, if for some reason the issue / delivery of the prize is impossible.


Another place is the special sympathy prize of the RUVDS team.

Who can participate?

Any author who writes on topics provided by the streams and hubs of Habr. That is, it can be:

  • good authors who never wrote on Habr (they were afraid, there was no time, there was not enough motivation)
  • authors with experience with blogging on Habré
  • any categories of Habr authors (if necessary, we will keep your anonymity - you just register a new account, and we will give you an invite after the publication is approved)

We deliberately do not limit the circle of authors to participate in the competition, although we know that the habrastatei and habraconjuncture guru can write the best post. Let the strongest win - and who told you that he cannot be a newbie on Habré?

And if I ...

… I will pass someone else's translation for my own material?

... I will compile a hype article from different ones?

... will I wind up a rating in any way possible? 

We will carefully check the vote, as well as, using our proven methods, check articles for plagiarism and misappropriation of someone else's translation. 

And who are the judges?

The jury of the competition is the entire RUVDS team, but the main judges are the readers of Habr, who will view articles, put pros and cons, write comments and respond to your answers. This is the most impartial, professional and experienced refereeing team of the content creation competition on Habré - we are experiencing it for the sixth year.

What to write about?

About everything that fits into the framework of Habr. You can go through the publications and understand what is good and what is bad. You can write about your technological hobby, about your work, about programming, about the peculiarities of IT, or even about an IoT cat . The main thing is that you are an expert in the topic, you have something to say and the topic would really captivate you.

And how to write on Habr?

From the heart and with expertise. But seriously, here are some links:

And most importantly, we urge you not to doubt yourself, but to open GoogleDocs and start writing your best article. Everything will work out!

And don't forget: for publication, contact our editor - JohurNor dolina@rucloud.host

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