POG framework

Pull the Owl on the Globe framework

Control based on pulling the owl on the globe.

Reading time 3 minutes

Article is a joke!

The goal is to form the foundations of POG and to encourage readers to describe and study it.

What it is?

POG is actively used in companies of the birch type (the opposite of turquoise), as well as where management is based on Mushroom management in the management of products, projects or the management of organizational activities of the company.

Mushroom . POG .

, POG . POG framework.


  1. (ยซ ยป).

  2. Mushroom .

  3. .

  4. .

  5. , , , .


  1. : โ€“ .

  2. : โ€“ .

  3. , , : โ€“ ; , โ€“.

  4. : ยซ ยป , .

  5. โ€“ , .

POG framework โ€œ โ€ .

: .

, POG framework . , , โ€“ .


, , . : . , โ€“ .

At a meeting on the current product (behind the scenes, without the participation of the product), a decision is made that the product will start working in a different way tomorrow: change monetization, work with new customers in new markets. And the simplest thing is changing the business model in a jump.

Canvas POG

As a first approximation, the Canvas looks like this:

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