IDEA chips. Part 1

The functionality of IntelliJ IDEA is great, so there are hardly many developers who use all its capabilities without exception. But everyone has their own set of favorite features and options. About a month ago, in the internal chat of Maxilekt, the idea was born to rummage around these chips within the company. Colleagues received her with such enthusiasm that one planned hour of discussion was not enough for this - the meeting was repeated a week later.

We would like to share with you the most interesting ideas (with links to the documentation, where it is described in detail how it works).

There were so many chips and opportunities that I had to divide the entire list into two parts. Today we'll talk about screen customization and workspace organization. And in the end, let's recall the multiple cursors. And next time we will talk about workflow optimization.

Screen setting

IDEA . , . :

  • ;

  • ;

  • .

, , , IDEA Widescreen tool window layout ( Preferences -> Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance -> Widescreen tool window layout). 

, . .

Setting disabled
Setting enabled

, ,

IDEA . IDEA Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Editor Tabs -> Tab placement -> None. , Ctrl+E ( Command+E Mac) . (Command + [).

- - , .

, , zen mode. View -> Appearance -> Enter Zen Mode ( Zen Mode ). 

, , . , . .

, , .

IntelliJ IDEA , , ( Projects). IDEA Git -> Clone. IDEA . 

, , , File -> New module from existing source.  build.gradle.kts .

. branch, Git Branches.

, Load/Unload Modules. Unload .


IdeaVim - IDEA, , . , . , 5 , . IdeaVim , , .


YouTrack, IntelliJ IDEA , -.  

. IDEA . IDEA, , . changelist- . 

File -> Preferences -> Tools -> Tasks -> Servers. YouTrack . , YouTrack , . .

IDEA . , , .

. ,

, :



'aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'ddd',

, . Ctrl + Shift + . , . Ctrl+C . :



aaaaa = params['aaaaa']
bbbb = params['bbbb']
ccc = params['ccc']
dddddd = params['dddddd']

, - .

. , , IDEA.

P.S. . VK, FB, Instagram Telegram-, Maxilect.

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