SecretStorage VSCode extension API

There are several ways to store user preferences in VSCode. Before the arrival of version 1.53.0, confidential information had to be stored in Memento objects in workspaceState and globalState or, for example, keytar . And storing passwords with tokens in a standard configuration file or using environment variables was not the best idea, since this data could be read and cached by other extensions.

In the article, we will look at ways to read data from settings.json

and environment variables

. And then we will create a class with minimal functionality responsible for storing and serving keys with values ​​from VSCode SecretStorage.

We will conventionally name the project fancycolor

. The project initialization process is detailed in the VSCode Extensions documentation , so let's get started right away.


All settings from all VSCode extensions are stored in a common file settings.json

and therefore can be accessed from any extension. For example, from our application, fancycolor

we can easily read a list of all hosts and their corresponding platforms from our config of another popular application SSH - Remote


const configurationWorkspace = workspace.getConfiguration()
const sshRemotePlatform: string | undefined = configurationWorkspace.get(

This code will list your configuration for the extension SSH - Remote


Proxy {ubuntu: 'linux', home: 'linux', raspberry: 'linux'}

environment variables

VSCode . .bashrc

Linux User.Environment

Windows process.env






echo 'export ACCESS_TOKEN_ENV="d8aba3b2-fda0-414a-b867-4798b7892bb4"' >> /home/ubuntu/.env
echo "source /home/ubuntu/.env" >> /home/ubuntu/.bashrc

Windows Powershell.

[System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('ACCESS_TOKEN_ENV', 'd8aba3b2-fda0-414a-b867-4798b7892bb4', [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)

VSCode fancycolor


import * as process from "process"
export const accessTokenEnv = process.env["ACCESS_TOKEN_ENV"]




, , VSCode. AuthSettings

, fancycolor_token

, :

  • init


  • getter instance

  • storeAuthData


  • getAuthData


import { ExtensionContext, SecretStorage } from "vscode"

export default class AuthSettings {
	private static _instance: AuthSettings

	constructor(private secretStorage: SecretStorage) {}

	static init(context: ExtensionContext): void {
		Create instance of new AuthSettings.
		AuthSettings._instance = new AuthSettings(context.secrets)

	static get instance(): AuthSettings {
		Getter of our AuthSettings existing instance.
		return AuthSettings._instance

	async storeAuthData(token?: string): Promise<void> {
		Update values in bugout_auth secret storage.
		if (token) {"fancycolor_token", token)

	async getAuthData(): Promise<string | undefined> {
		Retrieve data from secret storage.
		return await this.secretStorage.get("fancycolor_token")

The extension.ts

write functionality allows you to add and retrieve the token using the commands in the Command Palette.

import * as vscode from "vscode"

import AuthSettings from "./settings"

export function activate(context: vscode.ExtensionContext) {
	// Initialize and get current instance of our Secret Storage
	const settings = AuthSettings.instance
	// Register commands to save and retrieve token
	vscode.commands.registerCommand("fancycolor.setToken", async () => {
		const tokenInput = await vscode.window.showInputBox()
		await settings.storeAuthData(tokenInput)
	vscode.commands.registerCommand("fancycolor.getToken", async () => {
		const tokenOutput = await settings.getAuthData()

export function deactivate() {}

It remains only to package.json

register the commands fancycolor.setToken

and fancycolor.getToken

. Later, when working with VSCode SecretStorage, we will be able to refer exclusively to the specific SecretStorage created for our application, which will be assigned our own _id: 'undefined_publisher.fancycolor'


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