Anxiety, anxiety, stress

In this article, I want to talk with you about three important components of our life, which each of us in certain periods of life can capture and carry somewhere. I will describe how they differ and how they manifest themselves, and give examples from practice.

And, of course, I will try to answer the question of what to do with each of them. 


Let's start with stress. We are accustomed to accuse him of having lost balance and stability. And it is behind him, if he is excessive and the adaptive mechanisms are not enough to cope, is the development of anxiety and anxiety.

Stress is a physiological response to an external stressor. A situation, circumstance or change can become a stressor. Stress mobilizes us, that is, in order to withstand it, we use more of our resources than usual.

Selye, the author of the theory of stress, distinguished between distress and eustress

Distress is negative, it takes up all resources, drains us; we cannot handle it. Eustress is positive, it helps us, by adapting to new conditions, to develop and find new points of growth.

Stress manifests itself bodily: increased heart rate, sweating. We can experience the whole range of states aimed at protection: start to procrastinate, shut out what is happening, or vice versa, aggressive, enter into conflict. Our psyche responds to what it perceives as a threat and looks for a way to help. 

If this happens regularly, then our resources are depleted. Prolonged stress can lead to burnout.

In the developer's activities, stressors and stress can be caused by:

  • conflicting and non-transparent team relationships

  • unclear tasks and regular uncertainty of tomorrow

  • overly fast task changes

  • spontaneous changes in the composition of the team 

  • criticism, devaluation, review aimed at suppressing

Stress arises in response to new circumstances - most often those that we are uncomfortable with. 

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Quit . If the situation at work does not change and you regularly feel stressed, and in response you hear: β€œBe patient!”, This is a signal to take care of yourself on your own. 

It will be useful to consult a psychologist in order to understand what causes stress, anxiety, to understand the reasons for their occurrence.

The most important and important thing at all times - Take care of yourself!

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