XR Digest - analytics, news and latest events of the world phygital

Hello everyone!

We constantly follow the phygital world, current events, news and analytics, and share them with you in our monthly digest "DIGEST: Dive into phygital." In it, we collect all the information about the latest research, development, new headsets and cases in the field of virtual and augmented reality. 

Note from the partner of the MAI IT center and the organizer of the master's program β€œVR / AR & AI” - PHYGITALISM.


, , XR- .


1. VR- 

  • VR-

  • Oculus Quest 2

  • VR- 2021 : ,

2. AR-

  • AR

  • AR

  • AR- AR

  • AR- 2021

  • AR e-commerce

3. XR-

  • XR: 2025

  • XR: B2B-

4. XR

  • Sundance VR-:

  • KHAITE webAR:  


AR-, , phygital-, . 


1. VR-

  • VR- Steam: VR 2,9 Steam

  • UX VR

2. AR-

  • AR- 

  • AR ,

  • AR-

  • - AR

  • Pinterest AR-

  • AR-

  • AR e-commerce

3. XR-

  • XR-

  • XR-


  • : Dark Slope

  • XR- Bosco di Ciliegi 

  • AR fashion-: H&M Carolina Herrara

  • webAR- USA Today Invesco

  • 5G AR- Codename: Urban Legends

5. Tech Corner

  • Emerging Technologies Radar: , LowCode AI


phygital, VR AR . XR-, , AR , .


1. VR-

  • VR

  • VR

2. AR-

  • AR- 

  • AR-  

  • Snapchat 

3. XR-

  • AR/VR


  • Dior

  • Adidas

  • 5G AR: Liam Payne

  • AR: Magnum, Captain Morgan, β€œβ€ Marvel 

  • XR : BMW, Astin Martin Volvo

  • XR : Snapchat AR-

  • : VR-

  • ANAYI webAR

5. Tech Corner

  • digital-

  • digital- 

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