How to Use Huawei Cloud Device Farm for Testing and Debugging in Android Studio

Oddly enough, few people know that Huawei has a device farm in the cloud that can be used for debugging and testing. And we are not talking about debugging via the web interface, which is a more or less well-known feature of the Huawei developer console. We will talk about debugging directly from the studio, with the ability to use ADB.

To do this, we need a Huawei developer account, which can be registered here .

HMS Toolkit (File -> Settings -> Plugins).

HMS, , Huawei Mobile Services, Cloud Debugging.

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QR-, , . , HMS Toolkit.

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ADB, .

Huawei. - Honor, Honor .

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As a conclusion, I would like to add. Of course, you won't be able to make full use of a cloud device. Moreover, in some ways its capabilities are even inferior to the emulator, since it will be difficult to test cases on the device with device rotations, complex gestures and other actions that require access directly to the device. But for fluent smoke tests and for debugging on a live device, it is quite suitable.

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