Pss, designer, do you want another website builder?

Hello everyone! In fact, I eschew comparisons with website builders, and I'll explain below why this is so. Our project is more like an editor that allows you to dynamically typeset layouts without code and generates optimized production-ready code at the output. For the rest, we are closer to graphic editors. A kind of No-Code Pixel Perfect tool, where everything you need is at hand, and where everything that was missing in Figma is implemented.

For everything we do, we are also responsible together (c)

First, a few words about our team. It is small, which, of course, imposes its own difficulties, but even in this format, we will quickly implement our plan and look to the future with optimism.

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: , , Editor X Wix,, Webflow, Readymag, SquareSpace. . — , .

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Tell me Why

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: Lerna, React, Redux, Emotion (SPA), Flow, Prettier, Unit testing, Gitlab CI, Babel, Webpack, Sentry.

: Node.JS, Nest.JS, MongoDB, Firestore, Nginx + LUA, PM2, RabbitMQ, Docker, Dockerswarm, Grafana, Fluentd, Kibana.

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