Making Angular Easier with @ taiga-ui / cdk: Our 5 Best Practices

CDK is the base package of the Taiga UI component library. It does not have any connection to the visual component of the library, but rather serves as a set of useful tools to simplify the creation of Angular applications.

. , Angular , .

: ยซ , ?ยป

bundlephobia :

23 โ€” , . Secondary Entry Point, tree shakable. , . โ€” , 1 .

tuiPure โ€”

, . .

tuiPure . . 

1. ,

// template
<div *ngIf="show">fibonacci(40) = {{ fibonacci40 }}</div>

// component
get fibonacci40(): number {
  return calculateFibonacci(40);

, . .

2. pull to refresh, iOS Android. , iOS โ€” . getter pure, Observable iOS.

   *ngIf="isIOS; else angroidLoader"

<ng-template #angroidLoader>
       [style.transform]="loaderTransform$ | async"

get loaderTransform$(): Observable<string> {
    return this.pulling$.pipe(
        map(distance => translateY(Math.min(distance, ANDROID_MAX_DISTANCE))),

changes ContentChild / ContentChildren: , , content . ViewChild / ViewChildren.

@tuiPure. : . . โ€” .

, โ€” .

get filteredItems(): readonly string[] {
   return this.computeFilteredItems(this.items);

private computeFilteredItems(items: readonly string[]): readonly string[] {
   return items.filter(someCondition);

, items, , this.items

. , - . , , ngOnChanges, this.items

โ€” .




<ng-container *tuiLet="timer$ | async as time">
   <p>Timer value: {{time}}</p>
       It can be used many times:
       <tui-badge [value]="time"></tui-badge>
       It subsribed once and async pipe unsubsribes it after component destroy



falsy- ( ). , , , 0, , . *tuiLet



tuiMapper tuiFilter

, , โ€” tuiMapper.

. pure-, . :

{{value | tuiMapper : mapper : arg1 : arg2 }}


/ *tuiLet


    *ngIf="item | tuiMapper : toMarkers : itemIsToday(item) : !!getItemRange(item) as markers"
    <div class="dot" [tuiBackground]="markers[0]"></div>
        *ngIf="markers.length > 1"

- @taiga-ui/core

, . , . , , .

tuiFilter . , . , - .

mapper / filter


Observable-based , .

   // ...
   providers: [TuiDestroyService],
export class TuiDestroyExample {
     private readonly destroy$: Observable<void>
   ) {}

   // โ€ฆ
   subscribeSomething() {
       fromEvent(this.element, 'click')
           .subscribe(() => {


โ€” providers . DI, . Observable<void>. :

constructor(private destroy$: TuiDestroyService) {}

, , DI Injectorโ€™. , DI . , TuiDestroyService โ€” , markForCheck DI . 


ng-event-plugins, cdk ( , ). Angular. , .

, .stop


stopPropagation preventDefault .


<some-input (mousedown)="handle($event)">
    Choose date

export class SomeComponent {
   // โ€ฆ
   handle(event: MouseEvent) {



<some-input (mousedown.prevent.stop)="onMouseDown()">
    Choose date



<div (mousemove.silent)="onMouseMove()">
    Callbacks to mousemove will not trigger change detection

capture- .capture


<div (click.capture.stop)="onClick()">
    <div (click)="never()">Clicks will be stopped before reaching this DIV</div>

@HostListenerโ€™, . ng-event-plugins.

@taiga-ui/cdk. , - !

, Taiga UI, .

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