How we created a cloud service to manage and control bypass routes in enterprises

For many large enterprises, bypassing a certain route to check and take readings from equipment is an integral workflow, but often for most operators, the process of passing the routes is simply an unnecessary formality.  

The factories have a bunch of different mechanisms, machine tools and various equipment. Some of them, of course, have electronic accounting of parameters, however, what if the equipment is older or simply without any electronic accounting? Of course, go along a given route with a regular notebook and a ballpoint pen, taking all the indicators along the way. And it is good if the employee conscientiously passes all the checkpoints, and does not just put "ticks" in the notebook for the sake of appearance, bypassing all conventions. 

And even in the event that an employee passes the route, the crawler often simply does not know whether the equipment has critical parameters, whether it is worth notifying the superiors at all that something is wrong with the conventional machines. Therefore, a person calmly goes around the route, writes everything down in a notebook and returns to his place, where he manually transfers all the data to a special journal.

How the route bypassing process usually works (if it passes)
How the route bypassing process usually works (if it passes)

, : , , , - , , , . , , . , . ? , , , .

, . , , , , ( TARGControl). , , , , . - , , , :

  1. .

  2. .

  3. .

  4. - .

  5. : (), .

  6. .

. Android (TARGControl Patrol) , «».

WEB ( RFID-), NFC-. APP ( Java/Kotlin), .

«» WEB. «», , « » ( ).

( -, ), « », ( ). « » .

Section "Report by parameters"
« »

« », , , .


Section "Graphic plan"
« »

WEB «»:

  1. ( ).

  2. ( ).

  3. ( , ).

  4. ( (QR) (RFID) ).

  5. ( ).

  6. .

  7. .

TARGControl Patrol , , , RFID- . , , .


  1. PIN-.

  2. .

  3. .

  4. .

  5. . , , , .

  6. .

  7. .

, , . :

  1. RFID-, ( QR-).

  2. TARGControl Patrol.

  3. ( ) Android.

  4. () TARGControl Cloud

, . – . – NFC, . , NFC – RFID- QR-, .

Devices for reading tags


, – -20 200 C, .

TARGControl Cloud. , , , , , . – «».

( ), , RFID.

, , ( , ) . , n- , .

Create a label in the system

. , ( ), , . , , . 2 , – .

Creating a detour route

: / , , «» « », . , « » « », , , ( ). , .

Adding a schedule


, , RFID-, , . :

  1. , , – PIN . , , «» .

  2. , , . , .

  3. , () , , TARGControl Cloud ( ). . .

  4. . . , 1, 2 3 – RFID-, 4 – QR.

Reading the label

( , , , .). , , - , .

, , .

, TARGControl ( Excel). , .

( API), , - .

, , .

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