Motion Amplification or diagnostics of the condition of industrial equipment and structures using video analytics

Motion Amplification (English) - amplification of movement.

We do not have direct evidence linking the birth of Motion Amplification technology with the US law enforcement agencies, but there are enough indirect ones. It is no coincidence that among the examples of use there are many cases from the aerospace and defense industries. Measuring the vibration level of a helicopter during flight is an important but very difficult task. With Motion Amplification, it is solved quite quickly and easily.

- YouTube

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2014 Jeff Hay ( RDI Technologies) ยซ ยป ยซ ยป. , .

(, ), 5 . . (fps), , . , , .

, IRIS M 2016 . 1.0 โ€“ . 2016 (v.1.1) . , . American Society of Civil Engineers 2016., Vision Systems Design 2017.

, , . IRIS M . , .


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Motion Amplification () , ODS (Operational Deflection Shape) :

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- YouTube

IRIS M , , โ€“ . .

  โ€“ 0,25 1 50 . .

IRIS M, , IRIS MX 2018. IRIS CM 2019.

IRIS M 120 HD- 1300 , 0 520 .

IRIS MX โ€“ 11 600 (1400 fps HD- 29000 fps ), .

IRIS CM (continuous monitoring) , . , . (, ) .

โ€“ VIMS (

RDI, , 4 . :

1.     Motion Explorer โ€“

Motion Explorer - YouTube

2.    RDI Acquisition โ€“

RDI Acquisition - YouTube

3.     MotionAmplification โ€“

MotionAmplification - YouTube

4.     Motion Studio โ€“

Motion Studio - YouTube

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2016-2020 .

MotionAmplification v1.0-3.0 - YouTube

โ€“ . , , ?  Motion Amplification .

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  1. , 2021. Motion Amplification

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It seems to me that the demand for qualified experts in narrow subject areas such as diagnostics will continue to be high in the coming years. Expert-oriented Motion Amplification solutions significantly expand the capabilities of industrial asset diagnostics. The range of applications and the number of industries using the IRIS family of solutions is constantly growing. These solutions make diagnostics, maintenance and repair processes in factories more efficient and transparent.

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