The first flight of the Dream Chaser spaceplane is scheduled for 2022

The flight was originally scheduled to take place in late 2021, but according to Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC) Senior Vice President Steve Lindsay, the COVID-19 pandemic played a major role in the delay. The specific launch date has not yet been named - everything will depend on the time by which the spacecraft will be fully ready, and on NASA, with which SNC has a contract for the delivery of cargo to the ISS.  

About "Runner for a Dream"

Dream Chaser โ€“ , โ€“ . 9 , 7 . 

- โ€œ-5โ€ Vulcan, . SNC , - .

Space Shuttle. SNC , : . โ€“ Dream Chaser - 2,5 . , . 

, 7 . 2014 SNC Commercial Crew Program โ€“ CST-100 Dragon V2. , 2016 Dream Chaser 2019 2024 .

5 500 , 5 000 , 500 . Dream Chaser 1 850 3 400 . . , โ€“ . 

, - , , . 

Dream Chaser โ€“ . -, โ€œ-5โ€ Vulcan. โ€œโ€. 

Schematic representation of a Vulcan launch vehicle with a cargo Dream Chaser in a fairing.  Source: SNC
Vulcan Dream Chaser . : SNC

, 1,5 g. , .

15 . SNC , , , . 25 .


Dream Chaser SpaceDev. 2004 .

, HL-20 โ€“ , , . , HL-20 . 

2007 - โ€œ-5โ€, SpaceDev ULA. 

SpaceDev SNC, 2010 2011 Sierra Nevada Corporation Dream Chaser 20 80 . . .

26 2013. 4 . โ€“ , . .

Dream Chaser , 11 2017 โ€“ .

2019 Vulcan , โ€œ-5โ€ . 2021 , 2022. 

Dream Chaser โ€œโ€“4โ€

Dream Chaser HL-20. 2005 โ€“ SpaceDev. . HL-20 โ€œ-4โ€. โ€“ โ€œ-1374โ€ 1982 โ€œ-1445โ€ 1983 โ€“ . - ยซยป.

BOR-4 at the Aviation-90 exhibition at VDNKh
-4 โ€œ-90โ€

2005 , โ€œโ€. , SpaceDev Dream Chaser . 

. , Sierra Nevada Corporation.   

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