Step-by-step strategy or installation of Entware and DNSCrypt on Zyxel Keenetic modems

What you need and preliminary actions

  • ZyXEL Keenetic with USB port, any except for 4GII / III models - one piece

  • Usb Flash - one piece

The flash drive can be anything. In my case, this is a fake Kingston, in which only 256MB was actually found out of 8GB

We check the firmware version in the dashboard. To install Entware, you need NDMS firmware v2.07 (2.08) or higher. If you have it like this, skip to step 2. Installing Entware

My prototype Zyxel Keenetic DSL with firmware 2.05 . Without upgrading the firmware version, the Entware installation on it prematurely terminates with the messageOpkg::Manager: /opt/etc/init.d/doinstall: FATAL: kernel too old.


  1. We update the firmware to version 2.11 from the legacy channel

    1. We connect to the router,

      telnet your_router_ip

      enter the username / password of the admin user

    2. We switch the channel to legacy:

      components sync legacy

      - for firmware up to 2.06

      components list legacy

      - for firmware 2.06 and higher

    3. In the web interface, go to System -> Update.

      Check that the "Debug version" value appears in the "Use" field . We press the "Update" button and wait.

    4. . .

      NDMS version: 2.11.D.9.0-1 - , .

  2. Entware

    1. Keenetic DSL, LTE, VOX, DSL (KN-2010), DUO (KN-2110) (

      - Keenetic - mipsel-installer.tar.gz

    2. . FAT32. (, ). .

    3. System->Update FTP OPKG. -

    4. FTP, Applications->FTP, FTP , ( , , FTP)

    5. FTP ( - 2.4), (c 2.2)

    6. install

    7. 2.1 install

    8. Applications->OPKG, "Enable", "Use external storage" , "Apply"

    9. System->Log,

      "installer[5/5] "Entware" ! !"

      22 222 root keenetic


      - /opt/etc/config/dropbear.conf

      - passwd

    10. FTP - .

      , , :)

  3. DNSCrypt2

    DNS ( - DNS. , )

    1. Entware SSH

    2. DNSCrypt2

      opkg update

      opkg install dnscrypt-proxy2

    3. opkg install ca-certificates cron iptables

    4. /opt/etc/dnscrypt-proxy.toml

      listen_addresses = ['']


      listen_addresses = ['']

    5. DNSCrypt2

      /opt/etc/init.d/S09dnscrypt-proxy2 start

    6. DNS

      ! telnet ( Entware SSH) - 1.1

      opkg dns-override

      system configuration save

    7. Home Network -> Segments

      Wifi , DHCP server:

      DNS 1 IP

      DNS 2

    8. Internet -> Connections :

      DNS 1 IP

      DNS 2 3

    9. Internet -> Extra , DNS servers IP . - .

    10. ( WiFi ) , DNS-

    11. ( ). . , 53 .

      Entware ssh


      ! IP


      [ "$type" == "ip6tables" ] && exit 0

      [ "$table" != "nat" ] && exit 0

      [ -z "$(iptables -nvL -t nat | grep "to:")" ] && iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination

      exit 0

      , , :

      ! IP

      echo -e '#!/bin/sh\n[ "$type" == "ip6tables" ] && exit 0\n[ "$table" != "nat" ] && exit 0\n[ -z "$(iptables -nvL -t nat | grep "to:")" ] && iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -p udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination\nexit 0' >> /opt/etc/ndm/netfilter.d/

    12. :

      chmod +x /opt/etc/ndm/netfilter.d/

    13. ( DNS )

    14. .

DNS , . where-

to- get- test- builds/ / 4299-entware /? Do = findComment & comment = 50640

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