Digest of fresh materials from the frontend world for the last week # 466 (May 3 - 9, 2021)

We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    JavaScript


β€’ podcast 'Callback Hell' podcast: Webpack Killers, Microsoft + Bytecode Alliance, removed

β€’ CSSSR podcast News 512: Bootstrap 5, V8 9.1, generics in TypeScript, RxJS in Angular, e2e tests with Cypress, bug in Safari 14.1

β€’ podcast " News 512 "from CSSSR:" Front End Story "Part 2, Safari 14.1, CORS, Cookie Store API, Next.js 10.2, RxJS 7, Google I / O 2021

β€’ podcast Web Standards podcast # 280. Safari 14.1, gaps in flexes, history of JS, mosaic JS, who needs algorithms

β€’ video Videocast β€œFront-end. Interview questions "# 1

β€’ podcast video " Pro Conf "podcast # 95: HollyJS Moscow 2020

Web development

β€’ habr Out Bootstrap 5: 7 assess the major innovations

β€’ habr Why use tag <picture> instead of <img>

β€’ habr The basic structure of HTML-document with an explanation of each line

β€’ habr the HTML tricks

β€’ ru Jamstack Evolution

β€’ ru How do we use the web components on GitHub

β€’ ru Audit design- systems for accessibility

β€’ ru Speed ​​up development with Bootstrap 5

β€’ ru How we speed up the Chrome DevTools stack trace by 10x

  • β€’ habr Webpack Vite

    β€’ ru

  • β€’ ru CSS GSAP

    β€’ ru 2021 β€” HTML- WebGL


β€’ ru State of CSS Cross-Browser Development

β€’ ru Container Queries: Clarifications and Suggestions

β€’ ru Two Use Cases for Custom Properties

β€’ ru A Complete Guide to Web Fonts in Letter Templates

β€’ ru Is CSS a Programming Language?

β€’ ru CSS Hell - A collection of common mistakes in CSS and how to fix them

β€’ ru Text that is 16 pixels or more prevents the form from scaling in iOS

β€’ ru Fluid typography - Create text that is scaled to fit the window so that titles look great on any screen.

β€’ ru Are vendor prefixes dead?

β€’ ru Compilation of CSS on demand using the latest version of the Tailwind compiler


β€’ habr How I wrote a browser-based 3D FPS shooter in Three.js, Vue and Blender

β€’ Custom data types in TypeScript: validation at compile time

β€’ ru Is 0kb JavaScript possible in your future?

β€’ ru Vue Composition API vs React Hooks - the main difference

β€’ ru Build a satellite tracker from scratch with 30 lines of JavaScript

  • React

    β€’ ru React Spectrum:

    β€’ ru , React

    β€’ ru useStateMachine β€” React

    β€’ ru XState React

  • Vue

    β€’ ru Vue

    β€’ ru Vue 3

  • Angular

    β€’ Ngrx Angular. RootStore.

    β€’ ru RxJS 7

    β€’ ru NgRx Selectors

Digest for the last week .

Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin .

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