Floating Islands: Customizing Stylized Shaders with HDRP in Unity

The author of the article, Maciej Hernik, and the editor-in-chief of the 80.lv portal, Kirill Tokarev, kindly allowed us to make this translation.

Maciej Hernik discussed with us the details of his stylized Floating Islands scene: grass, tree and water shaders, Volume Overrides, asset texturing and much more.


Hello everyone! My name is Maciej Hernik and I am a self-taught Level Artist from Poland. As far back as I can remember, I've always loved games. My introduction to video games came when I saw several on PS1. At the time I was a kid, I had a dream that one day I would make my own games, although I still had no idea how to make them. I got older, learned what 3D art is and found it very interesting and exciting. My passion for game art gave me the opportunity to get my first job, and at that moment I realized that I wanted to make a living creating game art and the games themselves.

Floating Islands : idea

, , HDRP Unity, HDRP. , , . , The Legend of Zelda. .

(Placeholders) , , , , . , , .

, . , , , , .

. , , , .

- , . , . , , , - , , , . . , (Planes) Unity.

. , . , , . Shader Graph Unity 2020.1.0f1.

, . 4 , . Lerp. :

  • Primary color + Shadow color ( + )

  • Additional color ( )

  • Ground color ( )

  • Highlights ()

Primary color Shadow color . , . (World Position). Additional color , , , , . Ground color , , (Ambient Occlusion) , . , , , - . , (Ambient Occlusion) Ground color, . (Highlights) , .

, , , .

, . (Lit Master Shader). , HDRP (Lit Master Shader) (Translucency) .

(Planes), , . Blender (Data Transfer Modifier), c (Planes) .

(Diffuse). , . (Translucency) , - . , . , .

, Y. , . , (Ambient Occlusion) , .

, , , .


, , , Voronoi, . , Waterfall Mask , , Voronoi, .

, Unity c . , , (Size Over Lifetime).

, , .

c, , - Blender, β€œβ€ (High Poly) ZBrush, (Low Poly) Substance Painter.

Substance Painter, , . , , .

, Blur Slope Baked Lighting Substance Painter, . .

, Baked Lighting , Substance Painter. - , , .

- Baked Lighting . , .


, , Volume Unity HDRP, - (Post-Processing). Volume Overrides, .

Overrides Visual Environment, HDRI Sky Indirect Lighting Controller, (Ambient Light) . Indirect Lighting Controller (Ambient Light), .

, Unity HDRP, (Fog) (Volumetric Fog). , - Density Volume . Density Volume - , , .

- (Post-Processing) Volume. , (Bloom), , . , , .

, , , - . , HDRP. , , . .

- ,  ArtStation.

Thank you for reading! Until!

Maciej Hernik , Level Artist

The original article can be found at 80.lv  here .

The translation was prepared with the support of the Almost There project  .

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