Storytelling R vs BI report, a pragmatic approach


When they talk about reports to data (no matter what topic) everyone wants flexible dashboards, A LOT of dashboards, they play contests about BI, they come up with different complex requirements and cases, look at a lot of vendors and solutions, break into irreconcilable camps and are 100% sure that this is something without which life at work is hard, depressing and sad.

Is it so? According to the description, it is very doubtful (looks like a silver bullet), but practice confirms "not at all like that."

It is a continuation of a series of previous publications .

What's in reality

In reality, everything turns out to be completely different. We will immediately exclude from consideration the real analysts to whom this tool can be fully revealed (we will stop a little later). In the overwhelming majority of cases, managers do not need these dashboards with hundreds of handles. They need limited slices for everyday tasks.

The main drivers for BI and dashboards are the fear and laziness of consumers and, of course, the material interest of the manufacturers of these tools.

Fear of being left alone with data and the inability to answer any question. Fear to make a decision, and then not be able to make an unsubscribe "they gave you what you wanted? Now drive the result!" Fear of taking a path that is not cast in corporate standards like a concrete monolith. Too lazy to think about the true needs of ordinary users and alternative solutions.

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