Yii News 2021 Issue 2

Hello community!

With you Alexander Makarov, samdark and this second edition this year. I asked the team members to write something for the introduction, but they seem to prefer to write code :)

There are news on important updates to Yii 3 and a set of Yii 2 releases. We also mention some interesting projects that are not directly related to the code.

Status page

Since the question "How are things with Yii3?" asked too often, we made a progress page on Yii3 packages . It is considered simple: a package with a stable release is considered ready, a package without a stable release is not. The framework does not require the release of absolutely all packages, so the beta will be released before it is 100%. A little later we will add a link to this page from the main page of the official site.

Design improvements

The creator of awesomic invited us to use the service for free as a thank you for Yii 2. Now we do not want to do a complete redesign of the site as this will significantly distract us from Yii3. Therefore, let's do the following:

  • Let's refresh the logo without losing recognition.
  • We will create a consistent style guide with logo, colors, shapes, fonts, and so on.
  • Ditto for diagrams and diagrams in the documentation.
  • Let's make a good start page for app templates and look for a demo.
  • Let's make a nice look for the debugger and Gii.


The Yii community has always migrated from platform to platform. In the days of Yii 1, the main site was the forum . It is still the best place for difficult questions because it is well indexed by search engines. We used IRC for our chat . Later communities formed on Facebook and StackOverflow . IRC was inconvenient for many, so we tried Gitter and Slack .

Yii3 is the most talked about on Telegram right now and it looks like it has become more popular than Slack.

Yii 2


Yii 3

Yii3 , . , . , .


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Yii 3.

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Data response


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Docker, Nginx. GitHub actions Docker hub.

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, Yii 3. !


, Yii 3 :

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