With the support of M.Video-Eldorado Group, MAI announced the winners of the Aviahackathon

The 4th largest hackathon in the Russian aviation industry was held online at the Moscow Aviation Institute . This year, over 700 applications from representatives of more than 50 universities, schools, lyceums and colleges were submitted to participate in IT competitions.

Among the participants were students from Moscow Aviation Institute, ITMO, MIREA, KNITU-KAI them. A.N. Tupolev, National Polytechnic University of Armenia, SPbGUA, SSTU and others. 52 teams reached the finals - more than 200 people from 23 cities and 4 countries.

10 cases were prepared for the participants. The winners were determined in two stages: at the first stage, the best teams were selected for each case, which then fought for the title of the strongest in the super final. Experts assessed the solutions of the participants in terms of manufacturability and practicality, novelty of ideas, creativity, etc.

According to the results of the Aviahackathon, the Realitygang team (MIREA - Russian Technological University) took the first place. The victory was brought to her by a solved case for the analysis of aircraft track data. The second place went to The One team, which united developers from Moscow, for the version of the navigator for airport infrastructure. In third place is the team of masters of the IT Center and Institute No. 8 "Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics" of MAI. Mayovets prepared the best solution of the case on the topic "Defectoscopy based on computer vision."

"M.Video - Eldorado" group encouraged the SFI team (National Polytechnic University of Armenia, Yerevan State College of Informatics), which solved the case for processing orders in the infrastructure of airports "Service for supplying individuals and legal entities of airports with goods and services in one click."

" Not that hackathons have become a part of my life, but the MAI air hackathon has rightfully taken its rightful place in it. This is not the first time I fit into this story and remain satisfied with both the process and the result. The institute manages to collect a decent number of participants capable of thinking outside the box. Going to this event, you do not expect something supernatural in solving your case, but the ideas that lead to this decision are sometimes striking in their uniqueness from a good point of view , โ€noted Andrey Revyashko, Head of the Department of Information Systems Development of the Eldorado brand .

" At the MAI today technologies are being born and educational programs are being implemented in various topical areas, including information technology. Areas of mathematical modeling, digital production, the Internet of things, virtual and augmented reality, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence and other IT technologies are actively developing at MAI today , โ€said Alexander Shemyakov, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development of the Moscow Aviation Institute .

We remind you that we are waiting for talented programmers in our ranks. There are plenty of vacancies and interesting projects . Come, it will be hot!

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