Expectations vs Reality: 4 Myths About Marketing Launch in the US Market

For almost five years now I have been marketing the US market, two of which have been developing my own SaaS startup. During this time, on the one hand, I tested many promotion tools on the US market, and on the other, as part of my work in my agency, I talked with dozens of project founders from post-Soviet countries. Such communication allowed me to understand the expectations that Russian-speaking founders have when starting marketing in the USA, and working on my project helped me to find out how everything really works.

In today's article, we'll talk about the expectations, reality, and myths associated with launching marketing in America. Go!

Myth # 1: you can check demand with advertising.

The idea that paid advertising is a tool for checking demand has been cultivated in Runet for many years. As I understand it, this partly came from the "Business Youth" courses, where start-ups were asked to make landos, "launch traffic on them", collect pre-orders and only then build a real business. Undoubtedly, the thought seems logical: we will explain in detail the essence of the future product, and then we will ask you to either make a prepayment with a profit, or at least leave an email. 

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