Democracy in Telegram groups

Many of us spend time in specialized telegram groups. The power over communication here belongs to random people with their own shortcomings. Conflict and abuse are common. This prompts us to think, is it possible to maintain order in a different way, so that fraudulent spam does not flourish and at the same time no one has absolute power over an adequate interlocutor?

And in my case, these reflections resulted in a developed and tested system that can be connected to your Telegram today.

First of all, you need to determine what is the key aspect, the currency of the system. Not karma and not points, not likes and not a rating. Time itself became it. What follows from this?

  • Each user accumulates time from the moment of writing the first message.

    This is analogous to the unconditional basic income. Minute by minute, hour by hour. It is necessary for the emission of the systemic currency to take place without abuse, regardless of any control centers .

  • Absolutely everyone can use part of the accumulated time to ban another user in the chat for this time.

    This is an electronic analogue of the second amendment, necessary so that power is not concentrated in a group in one hand.

  • Everyone can also use the accumulated time to unban another user.

    Ban reversibility protects against abuse of free traffic by banhammers. At the same time, this function is the reverse process to emission. The time spent on the ransom from the ban burns out irretrievably.

  • The accumulated time can be transferred to other people, in whole or in parts.

    In the long term, this feature provides connected groups with a free market to exchange whatever they want.

So, how does it work in theory, figured out, and what is necessary for the practical functioning of such a system?

  • A simple way to connect chat to the system.

    - Implemented as a bot

  • Telegram UX



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Here's how you can see how much time has accumulated
You can ban a toxic person, a spammer or a fraudster by specifying in the answer to him, in free form, for how long he gets banned (and for what if desired)
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If this was a misunderstanding and the person is still good, you can in the same way, just write in the answer that he needs to be unblocked
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To transfer time to another user, indicate in the answer how much time you need to transfer

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Kotlin + JVM, Redis-. GitHub: demidko/timecobot

- : @timecobot

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